Category: Tablet PC

CGMA Character Design Week 06 2

CGMA Character Design Week 06

In week 06, Nate asked us to design an animal by focusing on its iconic features.

I went for my favourite animal, the elephant, and decided to give it a Ronald Searle treatment, just to show that I could draw in a different style. Character Design is not just about designing things in your own manner, in production you need to be able to adapt to other people’s style.

This little guy was done in Sketchbook pro with custom brushes on my poor man’s Cintiq aka Tablet PC (hence the small size). I tried real hard to obtain a nice line quality with my Intuos 3 but I feel it is not going to happen.

Related posts:
CGMA Character Design Week 05

CGMA Character design week 03 1

CGMA Character design week 03

Here is this week’s assignment. Nate asked us to create a line up with three pirates with contrasting shapes and proportions.

As usual I had a lot of fun exploring different shapes and silhouettes. Clean up was the most difficult part as usual. I had started with the Wacom tablet and fancy line work like Nate but I ended up reverting to pen and paper as I wasn’t getting anywhere.

If Photoshop wasn’t the industry standard for portfolios, I think I would stick to pen and paper. Mind you, I just saw some of Carter Goodrich’s sketches from Brave and he doesn’t seem to be bothered with modern design pipelines.

Anyway, here is what I did this week. Here is the final line up, a rough personality sketch and my research. The final cleanup was eventually done on the poor man’s Cintiq and Photoshop. Great progress compared to last week but still a long way to go before I can reach Nate’s great line work.

Related posts:
CGMA Character design week 01

Asus eee slate ep121 Zbrush demo 2

Asus eee slate ep121 Zbrush demo

Here is an interesting video made by one of my Animation Mentor fellow showcasing the Asus ep121 used with Zbrush.

The ep121 is a TabletPC equipped with an intel i5 cpu and a standard issued wacom digitizer. The video doesn’t show anything really revolutionary but it is always nice to see professional artist softwares demonstrated on a TabletPC. I still don’t understand why TabletPC makers only target business people when artists would jump on those if they new they existed. The ep121 is on sale for a bit more than $1000/less than 1000 euros.

I already have several tablet PC so I don’t think I will get that one but who knows what will happen when I see it at BestBuy in Emeryville!


Relates posts:
Tablet PC category

Creating a time code in TV Paint 1

Creating a time code in TV Paint

TV Paint is a great software for digital 2d animation but also to create animatics. Here is how you would start, by creating a timecode. Can Digicel do that? I don’t think so! Can PAP do that? I don’t think so! 😉

Blocking from 2d to 3d 2

Blocking from 2d to 3d

Nothing really new here. You are all subscribers to Jason Ryan’s newsletter and know his workflow very well. Personally I love it especially for broad animations or physical shots.

Here is one shot I planned using this technique with my favourite 2d digital software: TV Paint


TVPaint FX 0

TVPaint FX


Because TVPaint allows to do that kind of stuff fairly easily, why not use it? I just rerendered my previous planning, adding a white contour and a drop shadow to some of the elements of the scene and I really like it. What do you think?

Car pantomime shot (planning first part) 3

Car pantomime shot (planning first part)

I don’t know how this happened but I lost the post I published few minutes ago…. anyway let’s type it again…


I am currently using TVpaint to plan my CG shots on a Tablet PC. It is just like working in 2d without the burden of storing, scanning, shooting paper and you can work anywhere.

Here is the first part of my planning for my new Pantomime shot.