Aaron Hartline Chiustream

I mentioned that great interview with Pixar animator Aaron Hartline a while back but loads of people seem to have missed it.

Make sure you watch it this time as it is really good.

Aaron was a Blue Sky senior animator until he finally made his dream true after years of effort and attempts despite many hurdles. A great lesson on persistence.

You might as well be interested in watching the following interview I just found:

Pencil Kings recently spoke with Art Directors, Animation Supervisors, Layout Designers, etc. from the most notable studios in the world. Pixar, Walt Disney, Sony Imageworks and Blue Sky Studios were all represented and some of their top artists provide insight and share their story on what it took to reach the top of their profession.


Aaron is currently a tutor at Animation Collaborative.

Related post:
CTN Animators tool of the trade
Aaron Hartline “Vlad”
Dice Tsutsumi on the Chiustream

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2 Responses

  1. Pencil Kings says:

    Hi Olivier – thanks for the mention about the interview that we did with Aaron a while back in preparation for attending the Calgary Comic Con. I totally agree that not enough people have seen great interviews like these. All the best!

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