Kung Fu Panda 2, trailer 2



and something I just found. A top french modeler took one of Nico Marlet undone designs and modeled a nasty croco. Actually, judging by the colour scheme, it could be a good guy.

I have a fascination for cartoony crocos I have to say. We have a pretty cool one in the show I am working on (sorry can’t show) but his facial rig doesn’t allow for broad expressions. I will have to investigate how to rig cartoony beaks and long jaw one of those days. Ah for the story, Michel Guillemain is now at Dreamworks LA on … Kung Fu Panda 2 ๐Ÿ˜‰


ah some interesting links. Yes I have the bad feeling they only took the first story and put a 2 at the end, in the line of the Die Hard series, hopefully it is not just the overcoming of a new enemy.
on writing for Kung Fu Panda
Nicolas Marlet interview

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3 Responses

  1. Chac says:

    Ca s’annonce pas mal tout รงa! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. michel.g says:

    Thanks for the nice words, I would have love to work on KFP2 but I just started last month and the movie is soon finished, I’m working on Turbo ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. Bravo Michel et bonne chance, il y a plein de gens sympa a Burbank ca devrait super bien se passer si tu arrives a supporter le soleil ๐Ÿ˜‰

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