For the past few years some new animation schools have emerged in France and competing with worldwide famous Gobelins and Supinfocom. Among them is the ESMA, a school based in the south of France.

Here is a shortfilm you probably missed last year: Oedipe. Ok it is a student film and the animation is not quite in par with Dreamworks or Pixar but the production values are very, very impressive and unlike other french student short films it is not just about wild chases, there is also a fair amount of acting so it is interesting they still felt the need to make fun of Gobelin’s 2009 Oscar nominated Oktapodi in one of the shot. It was quite unnecessary but well, this probably tells about the fierce competition between the different french schools.

Uploaded by Esma-Movie. – Watch feature films and entire TV shows.

You can find more shorts from last year at the following address: and you might recognise Hugh, Tong and Exit but keep your eyes open for this years ESMA best short film

Related post:
You want to be a rigger huh!

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11 Responses

  1. Joost says:

    Wow, the whole production looks pretty impressive. You were right about the acting but a really enjoyed watching this. Very cool project. I also liked the stylized character designs with those ancient Greek sharp lines.

    Thanks for the link.

  2. dam that “back neck rubbing motion” is hurting my eyes 😉

    Anyway, yes Joost, it is nice to see student no trying to cross the uncanny valley and instead going for a more stylised look, this shows a lot of maturity to me.

    If you hit the following link and skip to 2mn40 you will be able to see some clips of this years ESMA shortfilm and our local BYOA organiser Samy.
    I would really like to see a bit more of that Mytho Logique

  3. alexandre says:

    hello, you can see some stuff about Mythologique here >

    You can also watch our making of.


  4. Hey Alexandre, I already featured your making of on my “You want to be a rigger” post

    You have a very nice website but as an animator I would have liked to see more animation. Your short looks stunning there is no doubt about it.

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