abAutorig part I Pyro tutorial

If some of you are still struggling to use Supercrumbly’s awesome abAutorig auto-rigging script, or have no clue on how to rig/skin, here is something for you!

The video is real time and has now, me, commenting on the different steps involved. If you double click on the video this will sent you to Vimeo where you can save the Quicktime file in HD!

Let me know what you think!


Related post:
abAutorig Part II and III, Pyro tutorial

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16 Responses

  1. Hey Manfred, long time no see!


  2. Henk says:

    Hey Olive,

    Thanks so much for doing this. I avoid character setup and modeling because there is only so much you can do, even if you know how to. However, this speeds things up a lot. And having the process with the script explained makes things much simpler.
    Saved to my harddrive for future reference.

  3. well you could just scrub through the first video or even check that previous walkthrough I did some time ago. That one is only 10 minutes long
    http://www.olivier-ladeuix.com/blog/2010/03/17/abautorig-overview-how-to-create-a-rig-in-5-minutes/ that one has no sound though.

  4. Andrew Hake says:

    Great tutorials. I would love to get the latest version of the skinningTools script if you have it available. Good stuff!

  5. nelson says:

    salut!!! my friend, I have a litle probleme in the moment thant I click on Build Skeleton (Min 24:12). next to Mel i can read //Error: Object Not found. I use maya 10…. I can not continuer with the tuto. Thankkkk I can not make the skeleton

  6. Giovanni says:

    Hi Olivier, thanks for the rigging..
    just the ik controllers and pole vectors don’t follow the main control..
    how can I fix it?

    • Hey Giovanni, I am not sure what you have done but if you build new skeleton and recreate the rig following the order of the tabs (spine/head.neck/Legs.feet/Arms/Hands) you should end up with a rig where the arm IK controllers and pole vectors do follow the main control.

      Is there a chance you have played with the Spaces and set them all to 0 instead of 1 for the root CTRL? The space attributes tell each control what they should be parented to.

  7. Chulsa says:

    it is one of the best rig. I wonder if you are planning to make it availble for Linux. I have paid for quite a lot of auto rig mel on creativecrash but yours is very simple and quite enough. However, I use Linux and I do not like Window though I cannot get away with it. Thanks

    • Hi Chulsa, this autorig should work on all flavours of Maya, from Windows to Linux. If you are after an auto-rig for Blender, you should probably ask the Blender community, they will probably have an answer for you. Thanks for passing by.

  1. July 23, 2011

    […] posts: Abautorig-part-i-pyro-tutorial KMPlayer, best player ever! Microsoft OneNote […]

  2. July 25, 2011

    […] abAutorig Pyro tutorial Part I […]

  3. August 22, 2011

    […] posts: abAutorig, Pyro tutorial Part 1 abAutorig, 5 minutes […]

  4. November 20, 2011

    […] http://www.olivier-ladeuix.com/blog/2010/09/05/abautorig-part-i-pyro-tutorial/ LD_AddCustomAttr("AdOpt", "1"); LD_AddCustomAttr("Origin", "other"); […]

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