Annecy 2009 – Bookings starting tomorrow
Annecy bookings are starting tomorrow for those of us who already registered so here is a rundown.
If I remember correctly, the showreel reviews and job interviews only start with the Mifa mid week and are held in the morning so if we want to see a lot of shorts we’d better pack them monday/tuesday or in the afternoon the rest of the week.
Here is my schedule as of this morning. […]
CMC stands for Court Metrage Competition (Short film in Competition)
CMHC for Court Metrage Hors Competition (Short film Out of competition)
TV well…. TV in competition 😉
LMC Long Metrage Competition (Feature in competition)
14:00 / LMC 9-141 / Decavision Salle 1-Brendan and the Secret of Kell 78 mins
16:00 / TV 4-191 / Salle Pierre Lamy – TV films in competition n 4 83 mins
18:00 / CMHC 1-261 / Bonlieu – Petite salle Short films out of competition n 1 (Court Metrage Hors Competition) 84 mins
We could then go for dinner in the old town
That s already 3 tickets but we could always turn up to the 23h screening in Grande Salle for
23:00 / CMC 1-014 / Grande salle – Short films in competition n 1 82 minutes
10:30 / LMC 3 – 082 / Bonlieu Grande salle – Kurt Turns evil I know one of the animators and we will probably be with him
14:00 / LMC 10-152 / Decavision 1 &2 – Mary and Max
14:00 / ELI 1-691 / Bonlieu – Petite salle The Making of Tales of Despereaux
18:00 / CMHC 3-281 / Bonlieu – Petite salle Short films out of competition n 3
Well that’s all I have in mind right now. If no one has any recommendations I will book some other random tickets and trade them when in Annecy.
Full programme:
Programme per day: