Train Train

some of the regulars on the french animation forum I regularly visit, have release a short extract from their new short “Train, Train”. I really like it! All the shots with the car have been animated in After Effect… Insane 😉
Train train, un short by Gilles Cuvelier, Samuel Guénolé, Gabriel Jacquel and Claire Trollé.

I am also posting a link to Mister Coq, which wasn’t selected for Annecy this year 🙁



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9 Responses

  1. Rok Andic says:

    Wow, both shorts are looking really good visually and from what is seen in those clips I would definitely want to see it. The sound in Mister Cok trailer is also just hillarious.
    I don’t understand French so I couldn’t quite get the information from those sites: is this an independant production, student or backed up by any studios?


  2. Olivier Ladeuix says:

    they are independent productions Rok, with the help of governmental funds. I will dig some more short from those guys very soon.

  3. Olivier Ladeuix says:

    and I thought about your short when I saw this guy with only one eye 😉

  4. Virgilio says:

    Man! Those clips are really awesome! =)

    I hope I can watch the shorts soon.

    Thanks for sharing!

  5. Rok Andic says:

    Yeah, at first I didn’t even notice but when he comes to the station it sort of got: “Hm, that looks a bit familiar…” 🙂
    Thanks for the info!

  6. pierre says:

    You will find a lot of informations (photos, production…)about Monsieur Cok on the official website:

    (still in french, but soon in english…)

  7. pierre says:

    …you will also find informations (in english) about “monsieur Cok” on the production website :

  8. Shaaaa says:

    Train train est vraiment tres beau, il est prévu de sortir quand au fait?

  9. Shaaaa says:

    Merci pour le lien aussi 😀

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