Cats don’t dance

actually, here is my last post of the week 😉

8 videos of 10 minutes each. Yeah the entire Turner’s feature animation “Cats don’t dance”. Jay Jackson was telling us about it during a Q&A this week end. Who is Jay Jackson? well he was a student of Eric Larson during the first days of the Disney animation program and happen to be a mentor this term at Animation Mentor, he incidentally worked on “Cats don’t dance”


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4 Responses

  1. daniel says:

    hey oliver
    yes. still at pineapple squared…
    what about you? still in the countryside?


  2. Olivier Ladeuix says:

    Hey Daniel, yeah still at Rare having a great time at work, not so much in the country side but at least the air is fresh and I finally found a good martial art class so that s good.

  3. Ha ha I loved cats don’t dance.
    And I dunno about Chipmunk adventure but I think there’s something to grab from every ‘popular’ feature animation that makes it worth watching. Even if it’s looking at the stuff that makes it bad.

  4. Olivier Ladeuix says:

    hehe Funny you picked on that Mariya 😉 I wanted to draw your attention on “Cats don’t dance” actually.

    Maybe I should watch the entire “Chipmunks” movie but there are soo many good features I haven’t watched yet, “Persepolis” being the one I have wanted to see for month and haven’t found the time yet.

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