Monthly Archive: December 2005

Wacky Races 0

Wacky Races

I am very much into 3d at the moment. so here is something I have started to work on tonight. I had this thing in mind for many years.

Last week I went to Alias SuperToon Masterclass and was a bit disapointed but today Alias sent me the notes from the Masterclass 😉 I can only tell you that … I am now very happy. This great “broken hierarchy rig” they showed us, is in the Notes I just received. I will give it a go when i have a bit more time.

Animation Mentor 0

Animation Mentor

I should be part of those people attending Animation mentor from January next year. I still need to fill up the forms, gather my diplomas and pay the fees 😉 If everything goes well I should start in January 2006.

Shadow 0


Here is a character I have started to work on a while ago and haven’t found the time to finish. Rendering is simple Max light tracer but i have tried to be a bit too clever and it ended up too dark. Post processed in Photoshop. I didn’t have his hands in the original toy and i am a bit stuck here….

Osagie 0


I am helping my friend Osagie to do an Animated Christmas card for his girlfriend. We are aiming for a South Park kind of animation. Character design and mouth shapes are done, I now need to rig all of that in 3dsmax. I will try to reuse a script I made for Max4 in order to animate in a very efficient manner. Here is the look of the main character:

Welcome to my blog! This is my first post. 0

Welcome to my blog! This is my first post.

Hi my name is Olivier, please read my profile for more personal informations.

Since my application to attend Animation Mentor has been accepted, just like everyone else I have decided to share my experience with you all.

My french fellows will probably ask why Animation Mentor since there is a very good school in Paris called Les Gobelins?
Well …. I don’t live in Paris mate! After 2 years in Africa, serving in the Air Force, I moved to London 6 years ago and I kinda like London you know.

What about learning animation on your own?

Let’s be honest here, I have been moving vertices around since Ms-Dos 6.2/3dstudio r4 in 1995 but to the dismay of my friend Andy, in nearly 10 years, I have never been able to put some stuff together to look for a job in Computer Graphics. For specific circumstances I will this year, be able to concentrate solely on 3d animation and other parts of VFX production.

Have an interesting reading.

Olivier Ladeuix