Tagged: XSI

AnimSchool Model review 0

AnimSchool Model review

I just came across a really good 3d model review by Dave Gallagher and I found it verry interesting as Dave is giving some really good tips on how to best adapt a 2d concept art into a working 3d model.

It is only 15 minutes but I have never seen anything like that online before. Don’t expect anything technical except at the very end where he talks about adding more edges to the chin to create more volume and the problem it will cause. The video is mainly about translating a 2d concept into 3d and spotting areas that usually get overlooked.


AnimSchool General review Gary Hsu

“Modern martin” behind the scenes 0

“Modern martin” behind the scenes

Modern Martin

Modern Martin

Matt Morris just posted some more behind the scenes from “Modern Martin” short film. This time he is talking about the the technical approach of their artistic choices. It is not easy to translate 2d characters in CG and it is fascinating to hear how he went about doing that.


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