Tagged: UP

Fredricksen house part 02 4

Fredricksen house part 02

Here is where I am today. Only spent one hour on this. The weather was way too nice to stay home today.

I mainly worked on the windows and some detailing work. I added some basic colours and did a quick mental ray rendering just for giggles, nothing too elaborate.

The shingles will be modelled at the latest stage, I still have a major issue with the roof proportions to solve. Don Shank blueprints are very useful but the final model seems a bit different.

Click on the pic for bigger version

and here is the timelapse, 6 hours of work in 12 minutes.


Related post:
Fredricksen house part 01

Fredricksen house 1

Fredricksen house

I saw this yesterday and thought it would be fun to model it over the week end….

I didn’t think it would take so long but this is where I am 5 hours later. Click on the picture for a bigger version.

If you are interested, I have also recorded a timelapse video as usual and will post it when done with the modeling tomorrow.

Autorig tutorial prep work1 3

Autorig tutorial prep work1

As some of you might know, I have decided to make a tutorial showing how to use the zooTools and SuperCrumbly’s abAutorig autorig scripts.

To demonstrate this I wanted to model a new character so here it is!

Charles Muntz is definitely my favourite character design from the movie UP.

I have mainly focused on the right hand side and will mirror it next time.

Related posts:
Autorig tutorial prep work 03
Autorig tutorial prep work 02
Low polygon modeling tools