Tagged: supinfocom

Rigging outside the box 1

Rigging outside the box

With the wide array of freely available Autorigging tools (abAutorig, zooCST, JTD rigging tools), commercial (The Setup Machine) and inhouse ones, rigging humanoid characters has never been so easy.

Unfortunately there is still an area where professional riggers, TDs and technical skills are required, stylised animation.

Here is a very intriguing rigging showreel I just found, I have no idea how he does that but that is very exciting!


and while we are on the topic of rigs and autorigs, check out a making of from a short I still haven’t found the time to feature and very similar to “Salesman Pete”: “Meet Buck”. A wacky looking shortfilm coming from Supinfocom and currently touring animation festivals.


Well let’s feature a short video of “Meet Buck” since I will never find the time to write a full article about it.


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So you want to be a rigger huh!
Pyro abAutorig tutorial