Tagged: Splinedoctors

Walk challenge – refine 3

Walk challenge – refine

Sorry for the lack of update but I just came back from a great trip in beautiful Slovakia. I love Europe.

So, the results are in :

Walk challenge Winners

Well with the amount of work I set myself to, I didn’t expect to win but man…. to not even be featured!!! That really sucks! (Syndrome’s voice). I know my entry is not finished but still….. was it about the branding or the fact that it doesn’t …. well… that it doesn’t cycle 🙂 ? ahah yes that could be the reason.

Tyler Kakac’s disco walk was really funny and highly polished despite being a bit off topic. Disco in the early 70s? It is more like late 70s to me. Anyway he is my winner amongst all the other entries, lot of character in that cycle. Check out his showreel (not Apple handset friendly at all, remember, Flash blows up your batteries so you are not allowed to use it on your expensive device) http://tylerkakac.com/

It is nice to see Eleonor, a friend AMer, win third place with a not so customized Bishop rig. Congrat girl!

The winner is a really cool cycle too. I would have voted that one second though. He also has a nice reel! http://www.drewwiney.com/

Ah and here is the entry I sent by the way. It would have benefited from 2 more days of work but it was really difficult to find more time for it and I was really looking forward to my first holidays in 6 month.

I hope you like it and have a look at the related posts if you are interested in watching thought process, layout, blocking and changes. I won’t spend more time on it though, I have more important shots to finish. Time to get back to my short film!!!

Related posts:
Pervers Pepere – Spline 01
The walk challenge – a contest – Blocking
The walk challenge – a contest – Thought process

The Walk challenge – A contest 02 6

The Walk challenge – A contest 02

update Wednesday 13th

Took on board some feedback, rough revision before going to work.

Monday 11th update:

As I implied few days ago, I don’t think that shot has much entertainment value but I will stick with it since there is no time to change the idea entirely.

Here is the full blocking. The head should be rotating towards the women earlier but I don’t really want to mess with my constraints for the moment.

Related posts:
The Walk challenge – A contest 01 – Layout