Tagged: Smallriders

Smallriders is finally online 5

Smallriders is finally online

Few month ago I was telling you about a short film made by two of my Chico Chica Boumba uber talented coworkers.

Smallriders, Chloe Blocktaels and Joan Delmont’s short film is finally online and I am loving the final product.

The short was finished in Octobre and we have had to wait a loooong time but this was really well worth it. Joan is not interested in 3d anymore but I would love to see this as an animated feature or a TV series. The animation is really good and the character designs are very appealing. Ah I should also congratulate Benjamin Meyer who was in charge of the rendering or he will kick my butt 😉

Really nice work guys, you can be really proud of it!


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Smallriders first teaser 3

Smallriders first teaser


Joan Delmont and Chloé Bocktaels, two of the animators I worked with on the Chico Chica Boumba pilot last year are finally releasing the first teaser video for their personal project: “Small riders”.

“Small riders” is a series of animation featuring two very appealing cartoony characters, Camille Beaumaison and Eugénie Schlhert, a michievous skaterboarder and an angry inline rider who share the same passion for skateparks.


“Small riders” is produced by Zeilt, the good people behind the very quirky Mr Hublot, and they are hoping to find some financial backing if “Small riders” generates enough response.

Come on, show your love for “Small riders” and get updated when the next teaser comes out!

“Small riders” on Facebook

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