Tagged: rickshaw

Modeling “Rickshaw” timelapse part 02 0

Modeling “Rickshaw” timelapse part 02


Moving forward, this is 1 hour of work in 5 minutes. I used Camtasia this time so the result should be a bit smoother. Unfortunately Camtasia pause button didn’t work so 2 hours are missing, you won’t see the entire panel detailing sequence and few other things. Sorry.

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Modeling “Rickshaw” timelapse part 01 0

Modeling “Rickshaw” timelapse part 01


I always wanted to record a modeling session timelapse but wasn’t too sure I would be able to finish a full model while being recorded. I also had no clue how fast I was at modeling and was worried I would make too many mistakes. Just like everything, if you don’t try, you will never know!

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