Tagged: Reelfx

Looney Tunes Shorts online! 2

Looney Tunes Shorts online!

I just got told that the first two ReelFX’s “Looney tunes” shorts are now available online.

If you missed those look no further and watch them in their full 1080p glory on their own Youtube channel.


The TDs did an incredible job to allow the animator to push CG animation to an extent that was never permitted before. Crazy smear frames, multi limbs, out of the ordinary facial and body poses.



I am still waiting to see the entire Daffy’s Rhapsody but the wait shouldn’t take too long.

I also want to point out that ReelFX’s Supervising TD Josh Carey and the other guys from Rigging Dojo have an incredible source of information on their website so you must subscribe to both their newsletter, and blog’s RSS Feed, even if like me you are not a professional TD but only want to understand how things work and learn few things along the way.

Lately they have had some really good interviews with Sony’s Character and Animation TD Martin Orlowski for his work on “Pirates ! Band of Misfits” (I am wondering more and more how much was stop motion now….) and Sony’s TD Tim Coleman for his work on “Spiderman” and “Hotel Transylvania”. The latter was only available on the Newsletter so this is why you need to subscribe to both.

That’s it for today. I will write a longer article about the importance of communication between TDs and Animators an other day.

Thanks Amy for the heads up.

Related posts:
Josh Carey’s Animschool interview
Josh Carey’s VFS submission
Ray Chase showreel
Aardman’s Pirates behind the scenes
CGMA Character Design Week 03

Animschool interview Josh Carey 0

Animschool interview Josh Carey

If you want to know a little bit more about those crazy cartoony Looney Tunes short films Reel FX has been producing since last year, head out to the AnimSchool blog!

They just interviewed Reel FX Rigging Department supervisor Josh Carey and the article is pretty informative regarding their pipeline and the kind of R&D they do. I had never imagined anyone would create a “data mining” tool to evaluate controls usage and I think it is a great idea for a TD to see which ones are the most used.

There are also so useful tips for aspiring TD so check it out!

AnimSchool interview Josh Carey

Related posts:
Daffy’s Rhapsody
Josh Carey, VES rigging submission
ReelFX Looney Tunes theatrical shorts online
Ray Chase showreel

Daffy’s Rhapsody 4

Daffy’s Rhapsody

I love naturalistic animation but cartoony animation with that kind of rigs must be a LOT of fun!

Great work by ReelFX and if you missed Josh Carey’s VES rigging submission, hit the link below.


Shorter clip but more accurate colours here

I think that Pixar logo would fit nicely after so much keyframe awesomeness. In your face Serkis! 😉

Related post:

Josh Carey, VES rigging submission
ReelFX Looney Tunes theatrical shorts online
Ray Chase showreel

Josh Carey, VES rigging submission 7

Josh Carey, VES rigging submission

Check this out! ReelFX rigging supervisor Josh Carey (nothing to do with my buddy Dan Carey except that they probably share the same good look) just posted his VES submission showcasing his AWESOME work on the Looney Tunes shortfilms.

I haven’t worked with the rigs so I don’t know how slow they are but they sure give the animators a lot control to achieve that crazy Warner Brother look.

It is finally possible to emulate the 2d cartoony look in CG and this will certainly push the medium to a new level leaving motion capture way behind or at least separating the two in a very dramatic manner.

Josh Carey is also the co-founder of rigging educational forum Rigging Dojo and seeing the tools he provided the animators with I immediately subscribed to their newsletter.

Rigging Dojo

Related posts:
ReelFX Looney Tunes shorts online
Ray Chase showreel