Tagged: podcast

The humbling encounters 0

The humbling encounters

Nik Ranieri

Once in a while in your career or just even at the start of your studies you will meet some unique individuals that will feed your self-doubts.

Whilst studying at Animation Mentor back in 2006, I was marveling at the work of several students that eventually became CG animation superstars, then later during my animation career, I came across few profiles that could animate three times better and three times faster than I could, so I just kept at it, with the belief that it might take me longer, before eventually succeeding.

If it is not just procrastination stirring us away from our goals, some of us just need to work harder to succeed.

Do you think Nik Ranieri gave up animation when he first came across 21 years old James Baxter while working on Roger Rabbit?

Pretty close but Nik Ranieri kept pushing and like Baxter, he ended up also, writing his name on Disney’s history books!

James Baxter line tests

Listen to this fun Nik Ranieri’s recollection of that encounter in the third part of an other memorable Animation Podcast interview.

I am posting a direct link to the interview as the libsyn link in the interview page is now broken, the main page works though or click below.

Direct link to the podcast:

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“Speaking of animation” blog 1

“Speaking of animation” blog

Speaking of animation

Speaking of animation

After Pixar and the Splinedoctors, Disney and the Animation Podcast, Dreamworks has now http://www.speakingofanimation.com/ a blog managed by a bunch of animators working mainly at the house of Shrek and they have started with a bang! The website is really really professional and was very well thought. They also started with a great interview of an ex Disney 2d animator: Ted Ty. I didn’t know him before but he definitely has a lot of great things to say!

Check it out and bookmark the website immediately, hopefully a lot of similar interview will follow.


Ted Ty interview

“She has the voice of an angel” 0

“She has the voice of an angel”

Disney behind the scenes

Disney behind the scenes

If you missed that exclusive “Disney’s behind the scene” Animation Mentor podcast, plug your headphones and head toward the AM website for a great interview between Animation Podcast Clay Kaytis and 5 artist who joined Disney after going through Disney’s internship, the “Talent development program”.
