Tagged: monstre a Paris

Aurélien Prédal “Monstre à Paris” 1

Aurélien Prédal “Monstre à Paris”

Aurélien Prédal is a Gobelins graduate whose work you might have come across in 2006 as he took part in one of my all time Gobelins favorite shortfilms : “Burning Safari”. (“Le building”) is also a top favorite Gobelins short)

Aurélien was involved in the never ending production of french animated feature “A monster in Paris” and he just posted some unbelievable colour keys he made for the movie.

If you are interested in painting or lighting you should definitely have a look at his blog, his work is exceptional. To me he is just as good as people with 5+ years of experience and he probably made those colour keys, two to three years after graduating.

If you didn’t know, Aurélien was also a contributor to the Sketchtravel project.

Aurélien Prédal “Monstre à Paris” colour keys

As a side note, with 1.7 millions tickets sold, the movie did very well in France but so far it hasn’t covered the 27 millions euros the movie cost, making it a loss for the production company, Europa Corp.

A US release would be really expensive for Luc Besson’s company but they could probably do a UK release first. The British market is usually the second biggest territory in term of sales, ahead of Japan.

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“Monstre à Paris”
Dice Tsutsumi Light and colours
Sketchtravel project

“A monster in Paris” english trailer 2

“A monster in Paris” english trailer

Well it looks like folks outside the country of smelly cheeses will also be able to enjoy Eric Bergeron’s “A monster in Paris” feature!

An 1080p English trailer just popped out and I am finally understanding why the lip sync was off in the French version… they animated with the English audio! 🙂 Surprisingly, the songs were also written in English. It is a good thing they had such a fabulous composer/singer as M.!

Some of the lip sync is a bit too symmetrical in places but this is looking pretty good overall. I missed last sunday’s première but I hope to catch the general release very soon.

We can say whatever we want about Europa corp. at least they made the movie come out and probably get released worldwide.


Hopefully this will attract more investors to the French feature animation industry. Wouldn’t it be great if we didn’t need to emigrate to the US to work on similar projects or command higher wages?

Talking about the USA, the TAG 2011 Wage survey just came out.
TAG 2011 Wage survey highlights

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How much do they earn?

La Seine 1

La Seine

I am such a fan boy 😉

Here is a music video clip from French animated feature “Un monstre à Paris” and performed by Vanessa Paradis and composer M, who are respectively voicing Lucile and Francoeur (the creature). La Seine is the river that flows through Paris and also the french for stage. The lip sync is not very accurate but the video is gorgeous.


I love that track…

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Monstre à Paris

Monstre à Paris french trailer! 4

Monstre à Paris french trailer!

via Monstre à Paris Facebook page

That’s it! There won’t be any more delays, the movie is coming out at the end of the year and Europa corp finally released a trailer in french. I feel that “Monstre à Paris”, a movie that was first started in 2007, is showing a bit of age compared to animated blockbusters like Kung Fu Panda 2 but hopefully the very stylised art style and european flair will make the movie stand out from the competition.

I wrote several posts related to the movie in the past, you should be able to find them all by doing a search on my blog . I am really liking that trailer and the music is very catchy. CG animation lovers are really being spoilt those days!


Some more videos on Catsuka.

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Monstre à Paris
Monstre à Paris short clip

“Monstre à Paris” short video clip 2

“Monstre à Paris” short video clip

Ah ah! I just found a very short clip from “Monstre à Paris” on Zalex’s lighting showreel! 😉

This is Vanessa Paradis’ character singing.

[update]this post is gaining a lot of popularity those days so I would like to point the readers to an older post with an other clip from the movie

http://www.olivier-ladeuix.com/blog/2009/07/05/monstre-a-paris-short-clip/ .

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Monstre again
Monstre à Paris short clip

Un Monstre a Paris 6

Un Monstre a Paris

monstrelogmon10.jpgSince I first saw some animation test and renderings of this feature, I fell in love with it. The story takes place at the begining of the 20th century in Paris, at the time of the Moulin Rouge and the universal exhibition.

The movie is directed by Eric Bergeron “Bibo”, ex Dreamworks director on “The Road to Eldorado” and “Shark Tales”. I wasn’t moved much by the story on Shark Tales but I really liked the work done by the concept artists and the designs. “Eldorado” is also one of my favourite 2d cartoons.

The production is said to be starting in Septembre in Nice (France).

Here are some pics found on internet. Unfortunately that s all you can see. The trailer shown at Annecy will not be shown to the public unfortunately.



The website for the movie seems to be down at the moment but you can always have a look at Bibo films website


here is a list of blogs from people involved in its production, gorgeous work:

Matt Jones

Antoine Antin

ex Gobelin Aurelien Predal

Neil Campbell Ross

Related post:
Monstre a Paris short clip