Tagged: guildford

Working at EA Brightlight 1

Working at EA Brightlight

I just found that old video which will introduce you to some of the cool people I work/worked with.

[update] I have been told that the original videos can’t be viewed outside UK so here is a low res Youtube version

While I am at it. What about an other video about our neighbours, Little Big Planet creators’ Media Molecule?

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“Shower power” short film

Life drawing session 01 1

Life drawing session 01

Working in Guildford is just as good as London as I found an Art center offering evening life drawing classes. I enrolled to two life drawing classes and 1 watercolour painting class. It has only been a week but this is looking really promising. The teachers in both classes are really good artists … which doesn’t mean they are good teachers but I have some of Glen Vilppu tapes and the Force: Dynamic Life drawing for animators book which are really helpful.

I regularly sketch from memory while commuting on the train but the first drawing proved really overwhelming. I didn’t know where to start!

Hit the link for my drawings. Obviously this post contains nudity

Here are my first drawings for this week, mainly 20 minutes poses. I was trying to get the proportions right but also experimenting with different styles and type of shading and I am learning a lot!