Tagged: Framestore

Allison Rutland “On Animation” interview 0

Allison Rutland “On Animation” interview

Allison Rutland

Allison Rutland

10 years ago I came across Allison Rutland’s showreel and was surprised I had never heard about her before. Remember back in those days character animation was very small in UK and studios in London mostly hired people from Animation Mentor / Gobelins and Supinfocom so it was very easy to get to know everyone especially if you were an Animation Mentor graduate. Animation Mentor even got nicknamed the “mafia” by some people at that time since we snapped all the jobs.

I was impressed when I saw her reel and especially that last emotional acting shot that immediately reminded me of the work coming out of AAU’s Pixar Class so I wasn’t surprised to hear she landed a job at Pixar.

Allison Rutland old showreel

Finally many years later and after she had a very successful career at Pixar I was very happy to hear the story about that shot and I wasn’t surprised to hear it was  a shot that took her close to 2 years to finish. I also have several shot that have been on the backburner for just as long so I totally relate.

Go check it out it is a very interesting interview where she shares the struggles of her journey and she mentions “There will be blood” which also happens to be one of my all time acting favorite movie featuring Daniel Day Lewis.

Thumb up to “On Animation” for providing all the footnotes you might want to check out.


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Craig Penn’s showreel 0

Craig Penn’s showreel

I rarely go to CGTalk but looking for tips on rigging I came across that really cool Animation showreel from Mill/Framestore animator Craig Penn. He has everything that people would recommend to avoid. Fully rendered shots, funky Frutty Loops sounding music, animated titles 😉 . I still think it is great and I must admit that I love his low proxy pig animation on the end titles. Brilliant!
