Tagged: education

Mouth corners in CG animation 0

Mouth corners in CG animation

When CG animation came out, it looked so different and so fresh compared to 2d animation that we could get away with a lot but the novelty effect has faded and the bar has been raised very high with CG entertainment. Funny enough, technology is finally enabling us to … go back to the appeal of the 2d aesthetics!

Shaping the mouth corners is  one of those 2d tips used in top studios to make the characters look less CG. By moving the outside corner closer inside the silhouette of the character, you will make the mouth shape more stylised and closer to what an illustrator would craft rather than a stupid computer.

Doesn’t the tweaked mouth shape look clearer and more appealing on this Sony’s “Angry Birds movie” presentation? I am posting the picture twice just so you can flip it and the link to the video is below.

Mouth corners after

Mouth corners after

Mouth corners before

Mouth corners before


Relateds posts:

Angry Birds the movie



Pick my brain…with a moustache 1

Pick my brain…with a moustache

Despite all the great  online animation trainings available those days, I feel there is still space for a more individual approach to the animation education in order to answer the specific needs of students or junior animators so I decided to resurrect the “Pick My Brain” mentoring program with the help of several “new brains”.

Go check out the newly redesigned website, it is shaping up nicely.


Pick my brain with a moustache