Tagged: Animation

Overdoing it 2

Overdoing it

Avatar’s producer Jon Landau made a very interesting comments some time ago and a lot of people failed to understand what he was talking about.

Here is an extract from the article published in the Australian http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/arts/titanic-director-james-cameron-grabs-films-holy-grail-in-new-film-avatar/story-e6frg8pf-1225766563195

To me, it’s the exact opposite,” Landau says. “Our goal on this movie was not to replace the actor, it was to replace the animator. If you think about it, what a great actor does and what a great animator does are antithetical to one another.

“A great actor withholds information. Dustin Hoffman in All the President’s Men can sit there and do nothing. No animator would ever allow that, they would put in a twitch. So our objective was to preserve Sam Worthington’s performance and have that be what you see in those characters.”

As animator we find it difficult to keep our characters completly still. Because we get paid to animate and because we love to see animated things we feel compelled to add twich, eye darts, shoulder raise. Top Disney animator Mark Hen made a similar comment in one of the Animation Mentor lectures and more recently the good people from the “Speaking of animation”.

The reason I am bringing this topic today is because I found a very cool clip that will illustrate something very similar.

The modelling industry has very specialised professionals called “Body parts models”. Don’t believe me? Hit the link (http://www.bodypartsmodels.com/home.html). Those people get hired for photo-shoots mainly when nice looking hands, arms, shoulders, bums …. are required. They are obviously cheaper than full body models but do the trick for close ups. Now the problem is that very often those “body part models”, similarly to animators, just… just overdo it! Instead of “straight acting” their part, and just display what they are supposed to display, they feel compelled to “hit the pose” and come up with the most over-the-top gesture or poses that will justify their pay check.

Now I have a very cool clip where you can see one of those models illustrating this perfectly. Pay attention, well, how could you not pay attention to the silly hand gestures of the woman holding the Emmy award on the right hand side. It is so over the top that Ellen DeGeneres can’t help mimicking her towards the end of the clip.


Animation design 2

Animation design

Cloudy draw over

Cloudy draw over

A lot of people jumping onto cg animation with a technical or a realistic approach don’t realise that animation is a craft that requires a true artistic sense.

Animation is not just about copying reality but enhancing it. People tend to forget that when creating animation, there are in full control of every single elements and they are not bound to the limitation live action presents.

There is so much you can polish on a bad movie but only the companies who pay attention to every single part of the CG animation process can create outstanding “work of art”.

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“Cloudy…” showreels 2

“Cloudy…” showreels


Some animation showreels from animators who worked on “Cloudy with a chance of meatballs” have surfaced on the net. I am unsure if this was a very good idea since the movie has only been out for few week around the world but well… the movie is great so here is one more opportunity to see some of the best shots and maybe convince your friends to GO AND WATCH IT!


“She has the voice of an angel” 0

“She has the voice of an angel”

Disney behind the scenes

Disney behind the scenes

If you missed that exclusive “Disney’s behind the scene” Animation Mentor podcast, plug your headphones and head toward the AM website for a great interview between Animation Podcast Clay Kaytis and 5 artist who joined Disney after going through Disney’s internship, the “Talent development program”.


Cloudy with a chance of …. Eyeballs! 4

Cloudy with a chance of …. Eyeballs!

with a chance of eyeballs

with a chance of eyeballs

Have you seen Sony’s latest attempt at swiping Pixar and Dreamworks from the best Feature animation studio’s crown?

Because of it’s really plain looking character design, “Cloudy with a chance of meatballs” might have flown under the radars of a lot of animation fans but if you go pass the designs, you will realise that the underdog is a new home run from the Culver city studio. Yes the story is not revolutionary but that movie is once again a great piece of entertainment served with amazing rendering, gorgeous visual effects, funny lines and wacky animation.

One of those wacky shots I am referring to is the Eyeball shot by the dock.

How lucky! David Anthony Gibson, the animator behind it: has decided to share with use some insights.

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