Category: Windows Mobile

TCPMP Divx player for Winmo 0

TCPMP Divx player for Winmo


TCPMP wasn’t working very well on my HTC HD1 and I was using Divx Winmo player instead but Netdrg repackaged the free Divx/xvid player especially for the HD2 and that release rocks! One click on the screen and you go full screen in the glorious 480×800 HD2 resolution.

and the related XDA forum thread

PocketInformant 0


Pocket Informant

Last Windows Mobile post of the day.

I have considered buying an Iphone in the past but too many missing Windows default features made me buy a Windows Mobile phone instead. Some of those missing features are the full support and synchronisation of Outlook Notes and Calendar but more than anything is the lack of stable and well thought GTD application, fully integrated with Outlook. Pocket Informant is that one.

David Allen wrote a very good book about GTD and I don’t intend to rival with it in few lines. The only thing I will say is that if you are into GTD, Pocket Informant is a must! The software is huge but you shouldn’t have too much trouble operating it. There is also a free demo so give it a try and start filling up that Inbox and Next Action folder!

My next post will be on the free Flash supporting Windows Mobile browser: Skyfire. Stay tuned

Slide2Unlock 0



Slide2Unlock is my second, well my first favourite Windows Mobile application.

That one is a Windows mobile lock screen on steroids and believe it or not….. IT IS FREE!!!!

On the surface it looks like an obvious Iphone lock screen rip-off but once you open the configuration panel, you realize that the software is an actual Power App that could be charged several dollars!

Not only it allows you to preview your text messages and email without unlocking the phone, it also allows you to display your appointments on the lock screen….. How cool is that?!?! No need to slide, unlock, launch any application, no need of any Jail breaking, all the necessary information is all there, right in front of you! Your phone has now become a true productivity tool.

Ah I forgot to mention something. There are hundreds of parametres you can play with but the best of all is once again the automatic trigger.  I have set mine to the best Windows mobile GTD application: Pocket informant. but that one needs an other post.

G-Alarm 0



I was supposed to write a long post about my new HTC HD2 but I feel that I need a bit more time to fully realise how wonderful that piece of hardware is.

I still need to talk about some great softwares available for it and one of those is G-Alarm.

G-Alarm is a really cool alarm app that should immediately win your hearth within the 10 days of the free trial.

For the price of two Lattés, you get a very convenient replacement for your probably ageing Alarm Clock Radio and since I have started using G-alarm, I have said good bye to my trusty 15 years old Sony “Dream machine” and so will you.

G-Alarm does a lot of cool things as you probably saw on their website. Mp3, Talking clock. tilt sensor support, Maze and other brain wakening games, but the only function that made it worth those 5 euros to me, was the fact that you can trigger any application and wake the phone up at the specified time, switching from Airplane  to Mobile mode.

Since I am a great fan of Radio4 in the morning and I like to emerge from my sleep while listening to the news, the only thing I had to do was to make G-Alarm start the FMRadio.exe application!

Related posts:

Windows mobile best applications

AEButton plus

AE Button plus 1

AE Button plus

I just found that great Windows Mobile application. AE Button plus:

This application allows you to map any function to the different hardware buttons. Instead of only controlling the Volume, I have set the VolumeUp button to open the Task manager and the VolumeDown button to do ALT+Tab, both on double click.

The amount of possible combinations is amazing. AEB plus also recognizes triple press and long press. This application is definitely a must have. You could for example allocate the camera function to the hang up button which is great if like me you are using the default Windows Mobile UI.

SBP Diary / Calendar+ 0

SBP Diary / Calendar+

sbpThanks to my coworker Matt, I discovered the free application Calendar+ for my Windows Mobile phone. It is free and it is really good when used with SBP Diary. The way I set up my Home/Today screen is to have Calendar + to display my calendar at the top of the screen and SBP Diary right underneath to display my Tasks.

I really like having my next “physical actions” in my calendar as I can easily track how long or when I accomplished a task but when I need to shift a series of “all day events”, then things become a bit more complicated. Anyway this new setup should be a bit more GTD so let see how it goes in the next few weeks.

Ah I am now displaying the SBP Diary tabs horizontally. It is good to have big buttons but they do take a lot of space….

Here are some screenshots I took with Ilium “Screen capture” freeware

Productivity tools Windows Mobile 2

Productivity tools Windows Mobile

After spending a bit of time around the net I finally replaced the default HTC Touchflow interface with the classic Windows Mobile 6.1 UI enhanced by a really cool add-on called SBP Diary. It is obviously not for everyone but personally I prefer to have my calendar/todo list on my home screen rather than shortcuts to softwares. The application is $20 and there is even a demo version on the website.


Windows Mobile best applications 1

Windows Mobile best applications

I will use this post as a repository for my favourite Windows Mobile Applications:

AE Button plus
This utility extends functionality of hardware keys on Windows Mobile devices. It allows you to:

  • intercept almost any standard button: application buttons, WM5 SoftKeys, Volume slider, Action and even Red/Green phone buttons
  • distinguish up to 4 different keypress events on each button grabbed (single, double, triple and “long” keypresses).
  • remap each of the keypress events to “virtual” application button or assign them directly to one of the wide set of built-in actions.
  • As a result you may “convert” volume slider to up/down arrows, assign several essential application buttons to these “SoftKey” buttons and even assign your favorit alternative dialer to red/green phone buttons.

    G-watch is a stopwatch/countdown that uses your built in GPS to track how much distance you have covered running/cycling/driving. It is really really cool. It is still a beta version but worked very well for me. On my way to my training I uploaded that application to my phone and was happy to finally know my running speed and the distance I ran. This will be great to set goals and improve my running speed.

    BBC Iplayer:
    Ok that one is not really an application but you can find the steps to allow the BBC Iplayer on your HD on the following website