Category: Tablet PC

Car pantomime shot (planning first part) 1

Car pantomime shot (planning first part)


I just wanted to share with you my new planning method for CG animation… 2d animation! 😉 I am currently using the demo version of TVpaint 8.5 on my HP Tablet PC and that is just awesome.

Just like Zbrush, TV paint takes a bit of time to get used to but once you know your way around, it is very easy to start animating in 2d.

TVpaint doesn’t offer the bells and whistles of a good CG Fcurve editor but you can do some really decent flash like animation with a traditional feel to it, and that s all I need.

Animatic for my short 5

Animatic for my short

Ok sorry about the delay but I was a bit paranoid that someone would steal my idea that I didn’t want to show it until now.

Anyway, here it is for the ones who haven’t seen it yet.

While working on the layout I realised that some areas still needed a bit more definition so back to the drawing boards.


Summer time, character concept 3

Summer time, character concept

As promised, here are some concept art for the design of my character Thirsty, a cartoony looking vampire. I have modeled and alpha version of him in wax already but I will probably change the proportions and use a different material. I started using a dark red wax but it is too dark and most of the detail won’t show up properly. I did try some Super Sculpey I had laying around but it was too dry and brittle. I also tried some Chavant clay but it was too sticky for my liking. I will go to Tiranti tomorrow and see what they have on offer….. not that I trust them much anymore but well let’s see.

Here are my concept art, 2 hours of brainstorming with my TabletPC and Sketchbook pro.


And here is the unfinished alpha version of the sculpt.


pastels 0


I should be getting in Class5 “Short preproduction” next week and I set my goals quite high. Here is a test I did in preparation using Caran d’Ache pastels on Canson 170g…. well that was more ArtRage2 on my Tablet pc but I won’t be taken seriously if I say so.

You might recognise the inspiration from some tiny company in california.


Drawing 0


While checking Youtube, I was copying some of the Story Boredom’s caricatures today and realised that it would be better to do my own ones.

That one is not really a caricature but a simple painting I did just to get better at it. It’s a very intuitive drawing, I didn’t really use the Glen Vilppu checklist. I just wanted to test some Sketchbooks brushes.


Editing 101 0

Editing 101

I don’t have much time right now but I am gonna talk about video editing very soon using as an example one of those 30 seconds Mac/PC Apple campaign and specifically the one called “Better results”. Why that one? well because the girl is hot and it makes my blog more attractive 😉

Close your eyes, think about any of those ads and ask yourself: “how many shot do they use for such and advert?” Just like many things, a good editing is a simple and seamless one. This is what this post is about. How can you make a 30s commercial that has a good pace without being too snappy or too flat?

How yeah the last slide is not part of the ad but I thought it would be a good idea to put it there just to balance things up a bit 😉

Les soeurs jumelles 1

Les soeurs jumelles


I couldn’t find sleep this morning and after a very early wake up 4am started drawing on my tabletPC. By the way, Sketchbook rocks. First because the sketching feeling is amaaazzzziiingg even with a 7 years old wacom UltraPad pen and second because the CPU use on my HP 4200 is a stable 20% which is great for the battery life when you are having a coffee at Starbucks.

Because of the wide array of customizable brushes Photoshop CS2 is excellent but the CPU use goes up to 100% which triggers the CPU fan too frequently for my liking.