Category: Sculpture

Modeling showreel, finally done! 2

Modeling showreel, finally done!

I could have easily worked 10 more years on it but one day you need to say stop and post your work.

Ladies and gentlemen, here is my july 2007 modeling showreel.

This is a quicktime 7 version in Pal resolution (720*576) which is about 22Mo. It is mirrored on two servers just in case. The second mirror is probably slower but more reliable. Enjoy.


Modeling showreel 3

Modeling showreel

I must admit that I am a bit upset with AM at the moment so just to forget about it, I am now focusing on Modeling and rigging in Max and Maya so here is a showreel I am working on, hoping to get some work in that field.

There are only 2 pieces right now but I think they are pretty good and show exactly what I prefer: the cartoony stuff.

The first one is based on Shadow, a character and a toy designed by Australian Nathan Jurevicius, from the series Scary Girl. The second one, Thirsty, is a mix between Bob Parr from “the Incredibles”, Tom from Studio Soi “Tom and Lilly” and the retro cartoon look.
Both are modeled in Max and rendered in Vray or Max lighttracer. I could have used Maya to model but it is just quicker in Max.

Papa’s got a brand new bag 2

Papa’s got a brand new bag

When working on my concept maquette I couldn’t really understand why people would use SuperSculpey over regular clay
or even wax like I used. I did buy a box last year but reading some forums I realised that SuperS does actually dry out and hardens after few month!

I therefore decided to go back to Tiranti yesterday I finally got a brand new bag of Super S and some Black Premo to give it a bit more colour and loose the translucent aspect. Yes, fresh Super Sculpey is soft and yummy!


Summer time, character concept 3

Summer time, character concept

As promised, here are some concept art for the design of my character Thirsty, a cartoony looking vampire. I have modeled and alpha version of him in wax already but I will probably change the proportions and use a different material. I started using a dark red wax but it is too dark and most of the detail won’t show up properly. I did try some Super Sculpey I had laying around but it was too dry and brittle. I also tried some Chavant clay but it was too sticky for my liking. I will go to Tiranti tomorrow and see what they have on offer….. not that I trust them much anymore but well let’s see.

Here are my concept art, 2 hours of brainstorming with my TabletPC and Sketchbook pro.


And here is the unfinished alpha version of the sculpt.


One more model started 1

One more model started

One night I saw the very cool looking character above and decided to model it on the spot. I keep hearing people talking about taking breaks from the computer but for me the problem is more about concentration than breaks. My girlfriend Alicia couldn’t believe it but I told her I would stay awake till late ;-). It has been 5 hours so far, let’s see how long it takes me to finish this guy.

Sculpture class old stuff unfinished 0

Sculpture class old stuff unfinished

Here is a selection of work I did for the past few years in my little spare time. I always wanted to finish them at home but they usually end up drying on the shelves and break. Before throwing them away I thought it would be a good idea to keep a record of them. I don’t remember the name of the models and I feel terribly bad about it.

I uploaded a recent portrait some time ago Amanda

I completly forgot about that portrait until I found it hidden in a corner of a room. This portrait is one of my best. I am very pleased with the general shape of it. The foundations for a good portrait are already in place, I would just need to shape the eye lids and the ears and call it done. Pay attention to the sternocleidomastoid this is the stuff that will make a portrait more believable

For that one I had in mind to have a tiny woman on a huge plain box. I never closed entirely the box and the head fell on the floor hence the flat skull 😉

I don’t really enjoy poses where the model lays flat but I found that one very interesting at least for the lower part of the body. I really wanted to finish this piece but with no model it is always difficult and it ended up drying then crack. Too bad

That one could have been a very nice piece. As often for a full body I started to refine the legs, bum and back until the session finished.

Blue guy wireframe 1

Blue guy wireframe

Here is a set of pictures of the blue guy in wireframe in order to get some comments from my peers modelers. Let me know if you see some weired edge flow.

Back to 3dmax 1

Back to 3dmax

Since I started AM I had to give up on many things and 3d modeling is one of them. Since we are at the last week of class3 I finally found a bit of time to work on this little guy. The design is from Daniel Martinez Lara from his short “Changes” which I highly recommend.

I am pretty much done with the head and will probably start the rest of the body tomorrow night. If anyone is interested I used the edge loop workflow with the basic 3dmax7 tools.

Sculpture class Amanda 0

Sculpture class Amanda

Here is my last sculpture of Amanda. It was done in about 10 hours I think. I didn’t have time to finish the right hear.

It is easy to get carried away doing hair so I left it till the last hour. It doesn’t look like Amanda but I am fairly pleased since it looks like a real woman. Learning Anatomy at Escape studios with Scott Eaton helped me a lot to gain a better understanding of what goes on under the surface of the skin and my sculpture teacher Paul helped me to transfer that knowledge on the clay model.

He just arrived!!!! 0

He just arrived!!!!

Here we go! After few weeks of waiting here he is!!! my anatomical reference from how cool is that? 😉

Some people will find this quite repulsive, I find him very attractive! I haven’t given him a name yet…