Category: Portfolio

Drawing 0


While checking Youtube, I was copying some of the Story Boredom’s caricatures today and realised that it would be better to do my own ones.

That one is not really a caricature but a simple painting I did just to get better at it. It’s a very intuitive drawing, I didn’t really use the Glen Vilppu checklist. I just wanted to test some Sketchbooks brushes.


Brussels get a make over 0

Brussels get a make over

I started customizing one of the AM rigs today.

Brussels got a make over from head to toes using my newly acquired photoshop painting skills. Haircut and hears based on Jure Prek’s designs, modeled in 3dsmax and imported as an .obj file.

I am hoping to find the time to work on Bishop as quickly as possible.


You will notice some stretching around the waist area. This is due to the original UVmaps coming with Brussels. I will have to redo the UVs sometimes.

Les soeurs jumelles 1

Les soeurs jumelles


I couldn’t find sleep this morning and after a very early wake up 4am started drawing on my tabletPC. By the way, Sketchbook rocks. First because the sketching feeling is amaaazzzziiingg even with a 7 years old wacom UltraPad pen and second because the CPU use on my HP 4200 is a stable 20% which is great for the battery life when you are having a coffee at Starbucks.

Because of the wide array of customizable brushes Photoshop CS2 is excellent but the CPU use goes up to 100% which triggers the CPU fan too frequently for my liking.

Rooster 2


this week’s AM drawing topic is the chineese horoscope. I chose the rooster.

First experiment with various sort of brushes, some more successful than others.


Photoshop. Wacom tablet.

props modeling 0

props modeling

just bought Open Season’s DVD and had to model something based on it. The designs are soooo great, some sort of UPA revival. Done in Max in 2 hours I think.

Blue guy wireframe 1

Blue guy wireframe

Here is a set of pictures of the blue guy in wireframe in order to get some comments from my peers modelers. Let me know if you see some weired edge flow.

Back to 3dmax 1

Back to 3dmax

Since I started AM I had to give up on many things and 3d modeling is one of them. Since we are at the last week of class3 I finally found a bit of time to work on this little guy. The design is from Daniel Martinez Lara from his short “Changes” which I highly recommend.

I am pretty much done with the head and will probably start the rest of the body tomorrow night. If anyone is interested I used the edge loop workflow with the basic 3dmax7 tools.

South Park 0

South Park

Next week once I am done with the current shot, I am starting production of a short animation with my friend Osagie using the same technique I used for that South Park animation above.

To wet your appetite or make you wonder what goes on in our head, let’s say that it is the story of a guy and a schizophrenic vending machine 😉

We are gonna reuse Che Puchacho rig, story board is already done but will be tighten on the animatic pass. My friend Vincil will probably help us for the sound track.

Osagie Xmas card animation 0

Osagie Xmas card animation

I just came back from Xmas break. Eventually we finished the Xmas card animation few days before Xmas. The pacing of the animation is too slow, plenty of things can be improved. The animation was done in a bit less than 5 days from concept to finish so with a bit more time it could be way better. A friend sent me a link to JibJab and I realised than even in cut out animation it is possible to do some brilliant work. Anyway we will do better next time. Here is a link to a small Quicktime version and an other one to a full screen avi Xvid version. Click here if you haven’t got Xvid codec yet