Category: Portfolio

Props done 1

Props done

I just finished modeling the props needed for the first shots of my short film. The sink was originally modeled in Maya 8.5 but I have had to do some heavy cleanup on the mesh when I imported it into Maya 2009.

For some reason some faces were duplicated and normal inverted. Anyway it is done I am very pleased with the freshly modeled Victorian tap. I might add a bit of texturing but most of the work will be with the rendering. I was tempted to make the props a bit more cartoony but will keep them like this for the time being.

No fancy GI and no wireframe for the moment, just a quick turnaround with Maya’s hardware render buffer (thanks Tobias!)

Victorian tap and sink

Victorian tap and sink

Shot 12 work in progress 3

Shot 12 work in progress



This is one of the shots from my short film. Our little guy is a vampire who fell asleep and wakens up realising that he is burning. The shot is still in step (well most of it is blocked on ones anyway)

I have reframed the shot compared to the original version I did during Animation Mentor but something is bothering me. I am gonna keep it this way for the time being and we will see how it works in continuity with the previous and next shots.
I haven’t yet worked on the legs/steps once he lands as I am still unsure about how long he will stay in the air. Do you think this is too long or just enough?

Also the combination of legs/arms flalling makes it a really busy silhouette, should I just animate the legs and keep his arms frozen forward? I will check some old Warner Brother cartoons and try to find some answers tomorrow.

I will also do a proper rig for the long chair tomorrow just so I can give it a more organic feel to it (think Gobelins short films)

[update] looking at it with fresh eyes, I think I will start the shot a bit later and keep the take for the previous shot. The framing will look better.

“The Contender” lip sync 2

“The Contender” lip sync

If you are wondering what was the idea behind my latest Bishop mod, here it is 😉

It is a quick lip sync animation, just to try some lip sync, facial animation and rendering with Mental ray/SSS/displacement map.

Don’t worry I don’t have the pretension to compete with Marlon Brando. For some reason I just thought it was funny to have Shrek saying that line.

The contender

The contender

Avatar walk cycle 0

Avatar walk cycle

Time to put some stuff together and test what the market is like! 😉

Here is a walkcycle I did for the Xbox 360 Dashboard Avatars. It is a nice rig but the legs are not stretchy so it was a bit of a pain to troubleshoot the knee pops. I could spend a bit more time on the fingers and the path of the arms but I have some other shots to polish.


Blandine Dubos 0

Blandine Dubos

My friend Blandine Dubos is the creator of wall light Louis 5D and the more recent Josephine 5D both edited by Ligne Roset

We have known each other for a long time and regularly work together in order to produce visualisations for her products.

Here is some of her work and some visualisations I did for her.



