Category: Portfolio
Life drawing session 01
Working in Guildford is just as good as London as I found an Art center offering evening life drawing classes. I enrolled to two life drawing classes and 1 watercolour painting class. It has only been a week but this is looking really promising. The teachers in both classes are really good artists … which doesn’t mean they are good teachers but I have some of Glen Vilppu tapes and the Force: Dynamic Life drawing for animators book which are really helpful.
I regularly sketch from memory while commuting on the train but the first drawing proved really overwhelming. I didn’t know where to start!
Hit the link for my drawings. Obviously this post contains nudity
Here are my first drawings for this week, mainly 20 minutes poses. I was trying to get the proportions right but also experimenting with different styles and type of shading and I am learning a lot!
Chico Chica Boumba
Here is the teaser for the TV Pilot I worked on over the summer at 2 Minutes in Angouleme. There are about 2 of my shots (:21s and :26s), one of them got screwed up during Comp but you will finally be able to see what the show looks like.
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“Creature box” blog
I just found that great blog from some Insomniac concept artist. Too bad most of their sketchbooks are sold out.
I would love to model some of their characters one day.
[edit] well I just started 😉 Proportion are off, it is a very rough pass.
Modeling “Rickshaw” timelapse part 02
Moving forward, this is 1 hour of work in 5 minutes. I used Camtasia this time so the result should be a bit smoother. Unfortunately Camtasia pause button didn’t work so 2 hours are missing, you won’t see the entire panel detailing sequence and few other things. Sorry.
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Modeling “Rickshaw” timelapse part 01
I always wanted to record a modeling session timelapse but wasn’t too sure I would be able to finish a full model while being recorded. I also had no clue how fast I was at modeling and was worried I would make too many mistakes. Just like everything, if you don’t try, you will never know!
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Shot 08 Work in progress
Following Mike Stern’s tip on the latest Animation Mentor newsletter, I have decided to bring all my shots to the same level of progress, then focus on the polish. That one was one of the most advanced ones but I have tweaked the camera slightly and might end up cutting it in two for the last part.
Anyway, I am posting this as it is right now and will do the editing once I have all the other shots.