Category: Life hack

Synchronizing files between PCs or FTP 0

Synchronizing files between PCs or FTP

Copying large files across a wireless network or automatically to a FTP can be a bit painfull unless you use a Synchronization software.

There are many for Windows, and plenty of free ones. SyncToy is the default Microsoft one but “SyncBack Freeware” is my favourite SyncBack. You can find it here
SyncBack Freeware

HTC Touch HD, my new toy! 0

HTC Touch HD, my new toy!

I I jumped on the bandwagon and got myself one of the fanciest mobile phone on the market. I am not talking about the “Iphone 3g” but the HTC Touch HD and that phone is really really cool.

Now what is the difference with the “Jesus phone 3g” ?

Well it does everything the Iphone does and few more things. For example you can:
– copy and paste (doh)
– run several applications at the same time
– play full res Divx and Xvid videos (using TCMP)
– change the battery
– swap MicroSD cards (it comes with a 8gb SD card)
– record videos
– use it as a wifi router or a cabled one
– it comes with a very slick stylus
– with a bit of trickery you can view Flash websites (only in USA et UK)
– it synchronizes Outlook Notes and tasks
– connects to Exchange corporate emails
– really fine 800*480 pixels screen
– ultimately it doesn’t drop phone calls!!!

I am too busy at the moment to explore everysingle function but so far I love that phone. After nearly 4 years, I finally ditched my Palm T5 and my recent Nokia N95, the Touch HD replaces all my devices. No need to carry all my chargers and cables with me anymore just a regular Mini usb.

What are you learning? 1

What are you learning?

Once in a while posts some interesting article and I found an interesting one today entitled “What to do with $5,000“.

What interested me in this article was a series of links to the free online MIT and Berkeley University courses.

I am not too sure how to naviguate on the MIT website and couldn’t find the actual courses but the Berkeley one seems easier to naviguate and finding videos and mp3s was really simple. I am currently listening to the Social Psychology lecture by Dacher Keltner.

On the same topics, Stanford University is also broadcasting some amazing lectures, talks and interviews with some of the most relevant people in business. Do not miss the Ed Catmull talk by the way if you haven’t heard it yet.

Explorer.exe crashing browsing video files

Explorer.exe crashing browsing video files

Quick post.
If like me your Explorer crashes when opening a folder with video files, it s probably because you installed some dodgey software which is taking over the default explorer thumbnail generator.

To restore it, open the registry editor (type regedit in the command line)

find the following key


and delete whatever value you have for the “Default” key. Press Ok restart and off you go!


Thanks google and website.

Hard drive clean up 0

Hard drive clean up

Recent hard drives are great, they allow you to store hundreds of Gigabytes of information but without a good backup system you could loose everything.

I got used to make regular backups on DVD but that option became a real pain after I realised that my 300 Gb HD was completely full, only having a handful of gigs backed up.. Time for some clean up. Today I wanted to talk about the softwares I use for clean up: Windirstat and Picasa
Windirstat allows you to see in a very visual manner what you have on your hard drive and it becomes very easy to find out who are the biggest culprits. Each block represent a file and moving the mouse cursor over them will display their name

I won’t need to present Picasa, I guess everyone knows it. It is great to realise how many pictures you have been storing for years. Now one thing I would need though it a software that allows you to find duplicates of pictures. Picasa does it but I am still unsure about how to use it.

the Inbox Master 5

the Inbox Master


Hooray!!! I finally cleaned my Inbox!

For those who know me, this is quite an achievement. I really loved to see the look on people’s face everytime I was logging onto Msn messenger and the window popped up displaying “You have 3000 new messages in your Inbox”. Priceless, but in the light of my recent interest for the David Allen’s GTD (Getting Things Done) workflow I realised that I wasn’t in control of my inbox anymore.

For the past year I had adopted a position that consisted in letting my Inbox grow as much as it could, gathering the various newsletter from Amazon, car rental companies, alerts from ebay and forums but separated from the important emails which were stored in a folder called …. Important. The plan was that when I would reach the Hotmail 2Gb barrier I would just automatically delete everything from the Inbox folder.

This was real nice and really made sense but this wasn’t really GTD, The important email were too far from immediate reach and sometimes I realised too late that I forgot to reply to an important email.

I was contemplating the recent “Email bankruptcy” trend and start fresh with Gmail but that just wasn’t possible. Too many people or organisations have my email and I wouldn’t be able to change it that easily or start all over again. That is not possible but this is always in the back of my mind though, especially since I rely on Web based email service.

Oh, by the way, let me clarify something first. My primary email is on Hotmail and I have been using it for about 8 years. I do have a Gmail one, a yahoo one and even one for my different professional involvements, but my take on it is that if you are serious about being reachable, you need to stay consistent and stick to one and only one email that people have/will know(n) for years and which is both easily accessible and simple. Hotmail through MSN messenger offers just that. Easy access and simple.

Some people don’t like Hotmail because of the amount of junk they receive but to me it has never been a real issue as the junk would usually end up in the Junk mail folder anyway. Previously I would have checked my Junk Mail folder once in a while to make sure I didn’t miss any emails but since they rolled out the new version 2 weeks ago, I now surprice myself only checking it, just to make sure it is still working. From 10 junks a day it went down to 1 a week.

Regarding ISP and professional emails, they are just not in the line of being reachable and consistent. Nowadays people change jobs more frequently than they change ISP so where are your friends, or people you forgot about, gonna contact you once you move from Dreamworks to Sony or the opposite?

Till last week I felt that my email workflow was too passive and I wasn’t on top of things anymore then I thought that it would be great if my Important folder would come up first when I check my hotmail, to remind me of the tasks or emails I have to respond to but unfortunately they don’t allow you to do that so I came up with something different.

What about using my Inbox as a task reminder! Yes that was plain simple 😉 I just went in circle and rediscovered what the Inbox should be. The place where you store important emails you have to deal with.

As such, my new workflow it the following:

As soon as open Hotmail I automatically move the newsletter and not so important emails to a “black hole” folder. This is where I store stuff I would like to read one day, but only when I have time (does it ever happen?). All the other emails become important emails that I have to deal with however I will only open the ones I am ready to read or that I am assuming will take less than 2 minutes to process. If I am expecting an email from a client with a long list of tasks then I leave it aside for when I have more time.

I still have an “Important” folder but that one is only for emails that have already been processed and that must be kept for reference like Invoices or Online bookings. At the end of the day the Inbox must be empty or only filled with emails that will be processed as soon as possible

Registerfly part II 0

Registerfly part II

At least I can comfort myself and say that just like 900.000 other Registerfly customers, I am victim of a huge criminal affair, the Registerfly story would make a great plot for a hollywood movie.

Just the short story, it is 2.45am and I am still trying to rescue my customers domain names and my own ones.

I will just quote this extract from counter official website:

“Site Hacked and Data Corrupted

Attention everyone. I just received confirmation that the Registerfly site has currently been hacked into and taken over by Kevin Medina in the Florida officeI was asked to put this up here due to the amount of customers that are sending money. At this moment, they are trying to get police in Florida to arrest Kevin immediately..”

Yep the site has supposedly been hacked by their former CEO who took refuge in Florida where he would be still operating, putting in jeopardy a shy 2.000.000 domain names.

Registerfly, Mediatemple… 0

Registerfly, Mediatemple…

I am soooo tired about those 2 companies and hopefully complaining about it on my own website will not attract any censorship.

Registerfly for a start. Just DON’T BUY ANY DOMAIN NAME FROM THEM!!!! if you are lucky and only have one or two domains then you are gonna be fine but if you deals with several website and run into problems…. don’t expect them to help you out.

I used to use the ticket service to get technical support but after 1 week of being ignored I started to use their phone number (they used to have a chat application but it was too ridiculous) DONT CALL THEM! If you are lucky you will get an answer within few minutes, up to 45 minutes but just don’t bother, they will always tell you that they “are really sorry but their system is currently down and they can’t check anything right now but in 24h everything should be resolved”… I waited one week , I still get the same answer and the support ticket still hasn’t be processed.

You don’t know what to do? Well try for a start. I usually try to to resist advertising featuring women in skimpy outfit but the switch seem unavoidable.
Now,….. I have always found Dot net and Dot org domain names so ironical. In few situation I found website owner trying to buy some sort of respectability or friendliness by putting a .net or .org at the end of their domain name. Was already taken when Steve Jobs embraced internet?

Mediatemple…..ok I can’t be bothered. Just for the sake of it, a short version. Where do you hear about Mediatemple?, Designiskinky, I was at recent graphic design convention and they were giving away free stickers expecting people to place them on their MacBookIntelOSXProDuoCore. Too bad I am on PC mate!

If you are involved with Graphic Design then yeah, you just can’t avoid them.

Two years ago, fed up with Rip off and unstable Webfusion/Pipex, I tried many hosting company and finally stuck my Mediatemple sticker on my PC… yeah under heavy brain wash how can you still resit guerilla marketing?

Ok yeah the short story. I have been with MT (sounds cool MT right? 😉 ) for about 2 years. First year was fine, second year was atrocious. I am a lucky bastard who happen to be on a server that still runs MySQL pretty smoothly but it wasn’t the case for other people. My problem then is not MySQL but email server related. They go down so often that I lost count. The funniest part is that they keep telling you that since they moved to “The GRID technology” (they haven’t done marketing school for nothing ya know! and look at the CG rendering of their so called Grid Servers? The two G5 they used for hosting probably wouldn’t have appeared serious enough) there shouldn’t be any downtime anymore….Downtime however do happen so they put new clusters and tell you “we added 40 new processor cluster bla bla bla so the situation should be resolved”. One week later they announce that they need to put 40 more clusters!!!! What a joke.

Oh yeah you can always take a dedicated server and try to trouble shoot their technical problems by yourself !

And for the fun of it read their System Status panel to see the biggest bunch of Mediatemple fans appraising the good work at their holly hosting company despite their website being down for more than 48h. Don’t expect to see my comments, they get edited out most of the time.

If you can afford to have your website down for more than 48h then you can surely add a .net or .org at the end of you domain name!

Make your own Cintiq 2

Make your own Cintiq


Crazy stuff! Make your own Wacom Cintiq and possibly a tablet PC on the cheap.
I found a very interesting article where a guy is mounting a LCD screen over a Wacom sensor board in order to build a cheap Cintiq. Bare in mind that he only uses second hand parts bought on ebay, like a very old Ultra pad Wacom tablet. It is obviously possible to do it with brand new parts like an Intuos3 and some other people have even transformed their Powerbook into a TabletPC. A real Tablet PC is a bit more than just an lcd over a wacom tablet but that does the trick for most people including me.

I finally found a use for my old UltraPad tablet that was gathering dust for month unless I finally decide to buy a real Table PC.

Here is the link