Category: Life hack

HTC Touch HD disassembling 1

HTC Touch HD disassembling


It is amazing how random the posts can be on this blog! Well it’s mine so I am free to post whatever I want 😉

The HTC Touch HD is also known as Blackstone or T8282. This phone is an amazing piece of hardware and is still one of the best phones on the market.


Just got hacked …. geeks will always win 0

Just got hacked …. geeks will always win

[update] It came to my attention that some people didn’t fully read my post and thought I was in awe at what those kids did. This is not the case at all, read the full post! This was to illustrate that with very very little knowledge, some individuals could easily disrupt our daily routines. Very often what separates us from those “geeks” is a tiny bit of information. In that case just a bit of masking tape would do the trick I am assuming. There are so many fields of knowledge around us and it takes so much effort to stay in the loop that when choosing one path we are at the mercy of people who chose a different one.

[…] (more…)

Distraction in the work place 0

Distraction in the work place

As an alternative to the clean and polished presentation on the concept of “Distraction in the work place” by David Allen, here is a great example of how micro-interruptions can get in the way of getting any work done featuring street photographer Estevan Oriol. Estevan established himself as a photographer using Los Angeles harsh light and gang culture as an inspiration. What I like the most about him is his motto: “gaining experience through practice”. Watch till the very end, distractions can be really … invasive 😉 (via Lowrider Supreme)

AE Button plus 1

AE Button plus

I just found that great Windows Mobile application. AE Button plus:

This application allows you to map any function to the different hardware buttons. Instead of only controlling the Volume, I have set the VolumeUp button to open the Task manager and the VolumeDown button to do ALT+Tab, both on double click.

The amount of possible combinations is amazing. AEB plus also recognizes triple press and long press. This application is definitely a must have. You could for example allocate the camera function to the hang up button which is great if like me you are using the default Windows Mobile UI.

System recovery strategy 0

System recovery strategy

What would you do if your computer decided not to restart? Few days ago my main HD decided not to restart, just when I was working on my new showreel. I normally have a pretty good System recovery strategy but since last time I reinstalled my system was 2 or 3 years ago, I wasn’t too sure if I had a backup. Luckily I had, so it was really easy to get back to a working desktop.

In the light of that, I have decided to share with you what is my “System recovery strategy”, maybe you will find something useful here.

Right now I don’t have time to go into too much detail so I am posting a version v1.0 which I will update if anyone is interested.

As usual I am using OneNote so here is the PDF:

System recovery strategy v1.0

SBP Diary / Calendar+ 0

SBP Diary / Calendar+

sbpThanks to my coworker Matt, I discovered the free application Calendar+ for my Windows Mobile phone. It is free and it is really good when used with SBP Diary. The way I set up my Home/Today screen is to have Calendar + to display my calendar at the top of the screen and SBP Diary right underneath to display my Tasks.

I really like having my next “physical actions” in my calendar as I can easily track how long or when I accomplished a task but when I need to shift a series of “all day events”, then things become a bit more complicated. Anyway this new setup should be a bit more GTD so let see how it goes in the next few weeks.

Ah I am now displaying the SBP Diary tabs horizontally. It is good to have big buttons but they do take a lot of space….

Here are some screenshots I took with Ilium “Screen capture” freeware

Productivity tools Windows Mobile 2

Productivity tools Windows Mobile

After spending a bit of time around the net I finally replaced the default HTC Touchflow interface with the classic Windows Mobile 6.1 UI enhanced by a really cool add-on called SBP Diary. It is obviously not for everyone but personally I prefer to have my calendar/todo list on my home screen rather than shortcuts to softwares. The application is $20 and there is even a demo version on the website.


Useful Windows tools 1

Useful Windows tools

here is a list of freeware I find really useful:

Cathy: To organize your collection of CDs or DVD
Virtual Dub The swiss army knife of video compression, editing and capture
KMPlayer: probably the best media player for Windows, great for animators as you can scrub the timeline with the audio feedback
Timelapse photobooth: best timelapse webcam capture software
IrfanView: with one of the lightest photoediting and screen capture software
WinSCP: FTP, SFTP freeware, that one has recently been recommended to me, I was using Leechftp until now
Syncback freeware: to synchronize files between computers/FTP
Windirstat: I spoke about that one some time ago. Visual disk usage statistic viewer

WordPress hell 3

WordPress hell

as some of you noticed, my blog was down for the past few days.

Like Keith Lango mentionned on his blog last month, WordPress is a great application but the hacking problem is a big issue which I am fed up fighting with. I was talking to Andrew Gordon few month ago and he was complaining about Splinedoctors issues as well.

I have successfully upgraded my WordPress application to 2.7 but WordPress is taking so much of my precious time that I might end up like Keith and go back to Blogger.
