Category: Game design

“Design outside the box” 1

“Design outside the box”

Probably the best 30 minutes of procrastination you will spend this week.

Very interesting talk by quirky Carnegie Mellon University Professor, Jesse Schell on the unexpected success of Facebook and other products. What about getting an Xbox achievement brushing your teeth or being on time at work? With comedic timing, Jesse Schell demonstrate the power of External Rewards.

and on the same topic, check the official EpicMix website and the related Kotaku article.
Level up and unlock achievements pins by skiing in Colorado

Game design 0

Game design

for some reason I am really interested in game design at the moment so I decided to create a new category in my blog and share some links.

For a start here is a game I found on It is called “Don’t look back” and is demonstrating what I think is the core of game design. As summarised by someone “fun derives from exploring new puzzles and combinations that offer patterns that the brain doesn’t master yet and needs to discover and learn.” (“The Theory of fun” by Raph Koster, Chief Cretive Officer of Sony Entertainment)