Category: EA

BAFTA Young game designers 1

BAFTA Young game designers

My buddies game designer Gary Napper and concept artist Burt Ross got recently interviewed about the game industry and their role in the game development process. Check that out, you will see some of the earlier concept from “Spare parts” and Ross  look really sexy in that familiar Tshirt 😉

“Spare parts” interview 1

“Spare parts” interview

Our game designer Gary Napper just came back from San Francisco where he presented our game “Spare parts” to reporters. Want to find out what “Spare Parts” is about?

The robots at the bottom in the background are performing some of my “idle animations” by the way.

Oh there is also an other video with more gameplay on Gaming Truth

Related posts:
“Spare parts” WIP showreel
EA “Spare parts” E3 teaser

EA “Spare Parts” teaser 2

EA “Spare Parts” teaser

Spare parts

Spare parts EA

The teaser for the game I am currently working on at EA Brightlight is finally online. You can even find a HD version on Gametrailers!

This game and the team I am working with are awesome. I have only been in the game industry for few years but making a downloadable XBLA/PSN game is probably the closest thing to what it was back in the mid 80s/90s. Unlike the 70 and upward teams most games require nowadays, in a project of that size, every team member can truly participate to the direction of the game.

All the character animation has been done by Neil, my lead animator, and myself.

Related posts:
Lee Sullivan
“Shower Power” shortfilm
Working at EA Brightlight

EA “Spare Parts” 0

EA “Spare Parts”

EA just announced what appears to be a very fun XBLA, PSN game!

“Electronic Arts has announced a new tiny action-adventure game called Spare Parts, to be released during Winter 2010 on Xbox Live and PSN. Your goal is to repair your spaceship to escape from an unfriendly planet. Therefore you can upgrade your robot with collected items and a friend of yours can join the game to help you in co-op mode.”

Would a video be following very soon?

Lee Sullivan 1

Lee Sullivan

An other really talented artist working on my team is Lead Artist and Senior Lighter Lee Sullivan.

Until very recently Lee had Lou Romano’s “Up” colorscript on his desktop so that should give you an idea about some of his inspirations and the kind of quality he is aiming at.

A while ago, with Neil Parkinson, they were running a pretty cool blog. Check it out

Related posts:
“Shower power” short film

Working at EA Brightlight 1

Working at EA Brightlight

I just found that old video which will introduce you to some of the cool people I work/worked with.

[update] I have been told that the original videos can’t be viewed outside UK so here is a low res Youtube version

While I am at it. What about an other video about our neighbours, Little Big Planet creators’ Media Molecule?

Related posts:
“Shower power” short film

“Shower power” short film 6

“Shower power” short film

I just realized that I never featured my friend and (ex)coworker Dan Carrey!!!

Here is his short film. “Shower Power”

You will also find Dan’s showreel on his website

We definitely had a bunch of top animators at Rare. Here is also Peer Lemmers showreel if you didn’t know his work:

My current animation lead, Neil Parkinson, is also a very inspiring animator/modeler/rigger/concept artist. Don’t be surprised about the crazy amount of skills, all my coworkers are Jacks of all trades at EA which can be a bit overwhelming sometimes.

Neil is currently finishing rendering his short film so in the meantime check out his reel:

Well while I am at it. I think I should also feature our local concept artist Burt Ross. Ross is a crazy Scottish guy who can be pretty loud when he plays Fifa at lunch. He also happens to be really talented at what he does, namely Concept art and Storyboards.

Ross is also the creator of the Astrofunk comics. Number 2 just came out by the way!

Check out his blog:

Ok, that’s it for today but I will soon create a new post feature the other crazy artists surrounding me.