Category: Character design

Mark Kennedy on Character design 0

Mark Kennedy on Character design

Disney Aracuan

Disney Aracuan

Mark Kennedy from the “Temple of the Seven Golden Camels” wrote a nice post about Character design some time ago. This will inaugurate the creation of a new Character Design category on my blog. Character design is something I would like to focus on one day but this is not my priority right now. In the meantime I will collect articles that could prove useful.

Confessions of a Lazy Character Designer

His post made me realise that there are potentially two approaches to character design:
[…] (more…)

“Walt Stanchfield”, Don Hahn Webinar 3

“Walt Stanchfield”, Don Hahn Webinar

Animation Mentor just posted a great conversation between Disney producer Don Hahn and Bobby Beck about the life of Disney’s life drawing teacher Walt Stanchfield. Walt Stanchfield was a keen tennis player but more than anything an immense inspiration for everyone at Disney. His family also released his famous notes if you didn’t get the previous pdfs

Check it out

Drawn to life

Drawn to life

“Monstre à Paris” short clip 4

“Monstre à Paris” short clip

Un Monstre a Paris

Un Monstre a Paris

Curious about “Monstre à Paris”? Max Vallon, one of the animators just posted a short video clip from the teaser that was shown in Annecy last year. The animation is 3d and the backgrounds are matte painted/camera mapped. For having seen the whole sequence, I can tell you that the rest is even better.

[update] most links are dead but I just found a video on youtube

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Un monstre a Paris