Category: Animation Mentor

5.30 am AM Q&A 0

5.30 am AM Q&A

did you see my face on the screenshot from Animation Mentor Q&A? yes I have a big issue with the 5.30 AM Q&A…. I just can’t do it! Once again I missed this week Q&A… It is not every day you have the chance to speak to someone who has worked on movies like Shreck 1,2,3, Madagascar, Shark Tales. It is not every day but for me it is meant to be every week and unfortunately my internal clock just can’t do it. Cassidy is a great animator and also a great mentor who wants to share all his knowledge with us so that really sucks….

There’s also this big weight I am dragging with me at the moment… Hopefully this will be resolved in few weeks and I won’t need to work that hard anymore. Well… I am not actually known for being someone who takes it easy but we will see 😉

State of the Feature Animation industry in 2006 0

State of the Feature Animation industry in 2006

There is a bit of discussion going on about the state of the animation industry at the moment so I have decided to upload some figures collected on website for people to think about. Have a look at them, this is fairly interesting and will be the material for a future post about the so-called “demise of 2d animation“.

Wordwide total gross of the major Animation features
correction for Emperors’ new groove, read 169 gross wordwide

Wordwide total gross of the major CG productions since 1995

Wordwide total gross of the major 2d/Stop motion productions since 1995 and before.


106 assignement and 105 revision 0

106 assignement and 105 revision

the animation looks okay, I am surprised Cassidy didn’t talk about the slight slowness of the base in his E-Critique.

looks pretty good, Cassidy gave me few things to work on, THIS WILL NEVER END!!!! ;-). Yeah, this is what I have experienced so far, learning animation is a never ending process. I have spent nearly 40hours on that animation so far… Could that be the reason why we, as Animation Mentors’ students, only upload our assignement at the last minute? It could be the fear of people pointing at our mistakes which would mean more work to do. Well if you only have 20 hours to devote to Animation Mentor a week, make the most of it and take eventual revisions in consideration. If you don’t have time you don’t have time.

Session 105 0

Session 105

Version 1.01 was a little bit too adventurous, so here is version 2.01.
The rig also doesnt’ give us much freedom so I am gonna stick to something simpler.

Session 105 Q&A BB version 1.01 0

Session 105 Q&A BB version 1.01

I know I look weired!! 6.30 am and I hadn’t slept yet!!! Cassidy demonstrating Richard Williams “stretch before landing” tip.

Planning for this week’s assignement, Bouncing ball over-achiever version 1.01

Animation Mentor 104 0

Animation Mentor 104

Here is my planning for Session 104, Two bouncing balls with different weight.

And here is the animation….. As you can see….. the timing on the planning has NOTHING TO DO with the final animation 😉 This is I think what we call the learning process 😉

Animation Mentor 103 0

Animation Mentor 103

Here is my revision for last week assignement, I won’t dare posting this week’s bouncing ball and Excited pose as both are pretty crap. Wait for this week revision;-)

Animation Mentor assignement 102 0

Animation Mentor assignement 102

Sketches for my assignement at various locations: Snooker Club, Kick boxing class, skilled people skateboarding and below is Stu pose, based on sketch 2. I went a bit over the top with Stu pose I must admit. I was looking for something very graphical and tried to draw S curves everywhere even on the spine which worried Cassidy a lot 😉 I will try to give him a more Health and Safety compliant pose then.