Category: Animation Mentor

Animation Mentor session 202 0

Animation Mentor session 202

Here is my blocking based on Session 201 thumbnails. As you can see I pushed the poses a bit more so it doesn’t look like rotoscoping anymore.

There are 2 parts I am not very happy about (begining and end). Robert will probably put the finger on it. It is too late to do a correction for AM but it is still time for my blog.



I didn’t give myself enough time for this assignement, thinking that I could nail it under an hour but I couldn’t be more wrong. Blocking is actually a fun exercise and I should have started earlier that week.

Session 203 is the first pass of refining. We have been told about different techniques to work on a shot, I am still a bit confused so I will just give you some keywords: Jason Ryan, copy pairs, Rick O’connor technique. This blog is a good thing, this made me realised that maybe I should do a bit of research about those techniques!!

202 Q&A 0

202 Q&A

Personnaly I really enjoyed that first Q&A Robert was full of energy and had a lot to say. We even managed to ask few questions 😉 and he gave us a sneak preview at the more advances classes lectures

Here is a pic of the one who dared to raise their head or where hand picked to be on the webcam.

Few Stu poses I worked on this week and Class 01 WIP showreel 1

Few Stu poses I worked on this week and Class 01 WIP showreel

Here is my Class 01 Showreel in the following state:
1. Perspective walk cycle, not done
2. Personality walk (sneak walk), the Heel shouldn’t make contact
3. Vanilla walk…. still a big concern
4. Taylor, problem with hoockup between first jump and second, tail animation to be redone from scratch
5. Pendulum, needs more hangtime and a slower settle
6. Obstacle course, I am pretty pleased with it but might have to remove one frame towards the end of the animation
7. 2 balls of different weight, the heavy one needs one more bounce
8. boucing ball. Well, with the Obstacle course, those 2 animations are the only ones I am happy with…. can I make a career out of making balls boucing? not too sure about that 🙂

Animation Mentor is an amazing school but you need to make sure you are gonna be able to fully commit before you start or you might end up wasting your time and a lot of money!!

Yes it is online but it is still a very intensive course and with one assignement every week, only 2 breaks during the year, you’d better make sure that you won’t have any financial, personal, physical issues.

I started to suffer from CTS towards the end of Class 01 and had to take a break from animation when all my fellow classmates where having fun doing Walk cycles. Luckily I had some very good grades at the begining and managed to get to Class 02.

Stu pose : exhausted

Stu pose: Balance

112 Final Q&A 0

112 Final Q&A

Today was the final Class 1 Q&A. Salem was the only student missing. This class was a blast and Cassidy was definitely the right mentor we needed for our entrance in the animation world. See you all the Euros at Annecy!!!

Regarding my last assignements, I am now suffering from a start of CTS (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome) and will probably have to leave the last 3 assignements as they are. I will try to give my wrist some time off for the moment. I have been using a Wacom tablet since the begining of AM but that still didn’t prevent it to happen. I have now bought a chair with Armrests and next week I am gonna buy a proper desk or just reorganise my old one.

Class 201 Body Mechanics: My new mentor 0

Class 201 Body Mechanics: My new mentor

Today is the first of April but AM is not the kind of school do april fools so well, I am pretty lucky this time again. Robert Russ will be my new mentor for Class 02.

“Robert Russ joined Pixar Animation Studios in 1996 and has had the opportunity to work on almost all of the Pixar films. He began his work at Pixar as a crowd animator on “A Bug’s Life”. From there, he moved on to work as an animator on “Toy Story 2,” “Monsters, Inc.” and the Academy Award©-winning, “Finding Nemo.” For Pixar’s sixth feature film, “The Incredibles,” Robert was able to expand his role as an animator by assisting the character articulation team to build the basic set of controls that animators use to animate all the characters. This process involved helping design the controls, model testing and creating animation tests. Once the control creation process was complete, Robert directed his attention to animating the characters Edna Mode (“E”), Mr. Incredible/Bob Parr and Elastigirl/Helen Parr.”

I have seen his previous E-critiques and it looks like all the hard work we are gonna put into our assignements will pay off.

Revision 108 and Assignements 109 and 110 0

Revision 108 and Assignements 109 and 110

Planning of the Sneak walk:

Spline mode Vanilla walk and first pass Sneak Walk

Stu pose exhausted. no time to do too many sketches this week and it looks like I made the wrong choice.

Revision 108 refining. This is when everything started to go wrong. Too busy at work to spend time on AM, CTS worries, Step mode to Spline workflow issues…. as you can see I deviated a lot from the original planning in order to fix knees pop but I am now ending up with a walkcycle too even on the Y axis. I am still trying to find a workflow in order to fix that.

Busy week 0

Busy week

I have been very busy lately and couldn’t finish my last 2 assignement on time this week. Got a D mark which is not good but my bosses were opening a new internet café and I had to do all the networking, server, workstation setup.

The internet café is now ready but I was also involved in the design of which had been taking all my energy for the past 2 weeks. I eventually managed to pass the website to my friend Sergio from all for the best. Stagknight is a comic/horror movie (“Shawn of the Dead” kind of stuff) that should be coming out around July. Virals online soon.

Today we had our weekly London Animation Mentor lunch at the Newman Arms where we ate delicious Pies and Matt Morris joined us after a 2 month break from Animation Mentor.

It is now time for me to catch up with my previous assignement and try to get some good marks. 😉 Would be a shame to fail on the first assignement that belongs to a showreel….

Oh oh oh… I was about to forget last week sketches and Stu pose: Concerned

Last week strong pose and sketches

Revision, much better isn’t it?

Walk cycle 108 0

Walk cycle 108

My first AM walk cycle. It is meant to be a Vanilla Walk (the most basic walk) but I ended up doing a cartoony walk…. will try to fix it for tomorrow.

I have a big issue with the hip of the coming forward leg during the passing position (breakdown). Cassidy is saying that it should go down when I think it should go up. I actually shot some references of myself to confirm it but I am not gonna show u what I look like in Underwears 😉

108 Q&A + life drawing 0

108 Q&A + life drawing

We had a fun session of headphone rotation this morning

The sun started to rise in Italy during the Q&A

While going through some of my life drawings yesterday, I found that one. Quite an interesting exercise. The right leg is too long but the rest looks okay to me. Not my best drawing but the most interesting in term of rendering.

Animation Mentor 108 Taylor, overlapping and arcs 0

Animation Mentor 108 Taylor, overlapping and arcs

Taylor…. fun exercise someone said? well… not for me 😐 Everything went wrong this week. I started with an ambitious planning, set up few shortcuts just in case, and decided to animate in step mode for the first time. After more than 20 hours and 2 hours before the deadline, I realised it was going pretty much nowhere. I scrapped it all to restart from scratch, with no planning. No planning? well that was a mistake again. I went ahead for a 2 bounce animation when we were asked to do a 3 bounce. The animation was pretty much finished and adding a third bounce when the overlapping action was done for 2 bounces was not a very good idea. In animation it is called a “hookup” I think. It is something that animators dread and I just experienced why. Luckily I should have time to polish it this week and probably redo the entire tail animation.