My own VTS

Here we go. Today I had my first personal VTS. I don’t want to upset anyone so let’s just say that I am happy.


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4 Responses

  1. Maciek Gliwa says:

    Awesome man, I know you will learn a lot!

  2. milo says:

    no offense……what’s a VTS? I assume it’s a good thing…..congrats!;O)

  3. Milo you don’t know what a VTS is? Keith Lango is sending a monthly Animation lecture to people who enroll to his VTS. Now I am going a bit further since I enrolled to his APT training where basically we work on a one 2 one basis. It is a bit pricey but I need a training tailored around my weaknesses which is workflow and getting to practice the basis of animation.

  4. milo says:

    Ohhh…duh! Congrats dude…that’s awesome! ;O)

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