Michael the Turtle

Before I got into the industry, I was religiously attending every single Autodesk roadshow and in 2006, got to see “Michael the Turtle”, a highly paced music video by french commercial studio “Chez Eddy”, featuring a wacky cartoony turtle, animated in a very Warner brother kind of way, few years before Chicken Little and Madagascar hit the cinemas.

I had been trying to find that video for a long time and eventually found it today on the ….. on the “Chez Eddy” website 😉

The animation might be a bit too much for some but I still love the character and set design, lighting, compositing and the broad animation style. Here it is!

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2 Responses

  1. Josh Burton says:

    Oh man. That was a sweet piece. Actually their site is full of great stuff. Thanks for the link! 🙂

  2. yes they do some really nice work Josh. Hey I will get back to your email very soon, I am so busy at work finaling the cutscenes 🙁

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