TC1100 vs Ipad

Which one of those:

– supports Adobe Flash out of the box
– allows you to listen to music while doing other tasks
– allows you to run hundeds of professional applications
– has up to 1.2ghz processor
– has more than 50 gb hard drive
– allows you to draw with a real pressure sensitive pen (Wacom board)
– doesn’t force you to buy an expensive Apple computer to develop applications
– comes with a free docking bay with keyboard
– costs less than $200 on Ebay
– came out 6 years ago (released in 2003)
– is actually a real computer

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5 Responses

  1. manfred says:

    your last point is right.
    It’s NOT a computer but an appliance. A very different device than a computer. If you want all of the points above – you’re free to buy a computer. I think thats the problem that some people have with ipad. they think its a computer doing the things a computer is supposed to do. but it’s not. you buy a computer, a phone, a tv, a radio and if you want ipad.

  2. hehe. Why sell a dumb “appliance” when for the same price you can sell a fully fledged computer? If it is not to make loads of money with some crafty marketing brain-washing, I don’t see why…. 😉

  3. rd7575 says:

    Granted, it’s the predecessor, but I picked up a TC1000 at release and kept it until last year. As I understand it, the only difference is that it had a Crusoe chip instead of a Pentium M. The form factor was great but the weight was high and the screen was atrocious. It was effectively a big tease… perfect size and shape for reading but with ridiculously low brightness and a two and a half degree viewing angle. Sit your book-like device on the table and read it? No way… unless you want to stand up and bend over it so your eyes are perfectly perpendicular to the surface. Even then, it’s like viewing a dimmed laptop display through a screen door. (thanks to the worlds crappiest digitizer) Oh, and battery life? Even with the supposedly battery-thrifty (and unbearably slow, even for its time) Crusoe chip, best I ever got was about two hours. (true of the original battery and a replacement a couple of years later) Yeah there are many reasons why you might want to by a laptop / netbook / modern PC-based tablet over the iPad, but as for the TC1x00 comparison, there’s none. The only place it comes close is in a still picture, and even then, only if it’s at an angle where it’s thickness isn’t evident.

  4. the TC1000 is like…. 7 years old and the TC1100 5 years old 😉 If you go to Engadget you will see that hundred of slates or TabletPCs have been released since so the Ipad will have a tougher competition to fight.

  5. LG says:

    The comments comparing the tc1000 and the tc1100 are somewhat correct. I have both units. The tc1000 is SLOOOOWW. The tc1100 crisp and great and snappy- quick to use and a very useful tool and I only have the 1.1ghz. The tc1100 also has where you can rest your wrist on the screen an advantage over even the newer units, unless they have palm rejection software. TApple could pay me to take an ipad, but they’d have to pay me enough to purchase two more tc1100 units.

    The ipad is what it is- and I think it will be useful to some, but not worth it to me.

    The only thing I’d change is longer battery life on my old unit.

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