Man with a hat

I have been watching a lot of movies lately, hoping to find some great audio clips for my soon starting AnimSquad workshop.

Since I don’t like to feel I am wasting my time, I am also doodling in Paint Tool SAI, just to get better at it.

Drawing in SAI is a very relaxing activity, you should try, it will make you rediscover your Wacom tablet. In fact, I even stopped using my TabletPC and I don’t feel the need for a Cintiq.

Here is a drawing I did while watching Tombstone with my custom Tombow brushpen.

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4 Responses

  1. leon says:

    so you are going to be in LA for anim squad or are you doing the online one?, nice sketch

  2. Andre says:

    I’m looking into attending animsquad in the winter, but I’m uncertain about this school. Would you recommend it?

  3. Hey Andre, you are not sure about AnimSquad?

    Well I attended one class with Brent Homman and loved it. I have to mention the fact that I joined as soon as I knew I could choose Brent as a mentor.

    Brent and most Animsquad mentors prefer subtle animation over broad/cartoony animation so if you feel this is what you need for your reel. Don’t hesitate.

    Side note, I loved it so much that I already enrolled for 2 more classes 😉

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