What is good acting?
I wouldn’t be able to give you a clear answer to that but I think we can all agree that the following example is a really fine piece of acting starring child prodigee Henry Thomas during an audition for 1982 Spielberg’s E.T.
The video just surfaced on the internet at the same time as an interview for Esquire magazine where he explains how he approached the audition.
“I read a scene from some early version of the script, and then I was asked to do an improvisation. I think the gist of the improv was, “You found someone, and they’re going to take them away from you, and it’s your friend, and you really don’t want your friend to go away.” So I started crying, and really going for it I guess.”
According to the Huffington Post, legend has it that Thomas drew his inspiration for the scene from a deceased family dog.
Okay kid, you got the job!