Zoom vs Truck in

Sorry for the lack of posts but I am addicted to internet and Social websites so the last remedy I found to be more productive is to cut off my internet connection. I do post some WIPs on Twitter once in a while though.

Right, since I am doing a lot of research in Storyboarding and Layout those days, I have decided to add a new Cinematography tag to my blog and “Zoom” vs “Truck-in” will be my first post.

“Zoom vs Truck-In” is something I have had to deal with a lot lately and I found a great example in the first iteration of Kung Fu Panda and the awesome bridge sequence. It is not very often that you find the two concepts applied on two consecutive shots but they did it, starting with a Truck-in and followed by a dramatic Zoom on Tai Lung


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2 Responses

  1. smacleod says:

    Awesome. Nice find.

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