The secret to becoming a better artist

I was browsing this kid’s blog the other day and something he left in his comments section struck me.

I think he said he regularly fills up one sketchbook per week., granted they are only 100 pages, but still…

Anonymous asked: How big are the sketchbooks that you fill weekly? and like what kind of paper?
I use either a “Strathmore Sketchbook (green book) 100 sheets, 9×12 inches” or “Strathmore Windpower Sketch (blue book) 70 sheets, 9×12 inches.” The sketchbooks contain recycled sketch paper (fine tooth surface) (

In term of hours, he said that’s about 4 to 7 hours a day 😉

I never believed in talent so this only confirmed what I always thought. Success comes with dedication and drive. The more you want something, the more likely you are to reach it.

For the little story, the guy is only 17 years old, he already interned at Disney and is now heading for a summer internship at Pixar with my friend Pris and Richie…

Since I attended Animation Collaborative with a bunch of crazy artists (I will post about it as soon as I can), I have also started carrying a sketchbook and mechanical pencil in my hands at all time. As soon as I find myself waiting or idling, I open the sketchbook and start drawing. This is a great way to improve and also to remember situations and events.

Here are two of my latest sketches drawn while waiting for my friend Sebastien and an other one on the Ferry between France and England. I was really surprised to see that guy on the second drawing with a pen in his hand, I thought he was also sketching but he seemed to be composing some music. Nothing like pen and paper I am telling you! 😉

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4 Responses

  1. Seb says:

    17 ans et chez Disney !
    Ouah !
    Il a du talent c’est sûr…quel bourrin, 100 croquis par semaine, c’est énorme…
    Sympa tes croquis en tous cas ; allez t’as du temps à rattraper, si tu fais 2 croquis par jour, ça te fais 720 croquis à l’année, c’est déjà pas mal ! 😉

  2. Toby says:

    that’s the right attitude to have, and I’m a firm believer in dedication and passion. Talent is a small bit of it, but I burned through so many sketchbooks the first term of AnimC my hand no longer works haha.

    Good on Devon, kid is gonna be be doing great things in the years to come.

  3. Wesley says:

    Amen to that. I dont really believe in talent either. I think people are talented but its down to hard work and dedication to their craft

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