Schoolism Gesture drawing week 03
Alright I cheated a bit this week. The poses were supposed to be 1 minutes which I respected BUT I spent some additional time cleaning up the poses and fixing proportions. Without a very good understanding of anatomy and proportions, it is really really hard to draw a pose in less than a minute, especially when you have to turn the model around so the silhouette reads clearer. It must be possible with experience but I am not quite there yet. Give me few more weeks 😉
Related post:
Schoolism Gesture Drawing Week 02
Schoolism Gesture Drawing Week 01
Hey Man there are some good gesture drawing you have done here, I really enjoying your Schoolism Gesture drawing week to week progression.. keep it up!!
thanks Bhavin!
What do you think of the gesture drawing class so far? I’ve been contemplating taking it (self taught) to improve my own skills which are severely lacking in this department.
hey Jon, I love it so far, but I am not sure Self taught would be that useful…. it is pretty awesome to have a top artist look at your work and comment on all your drawings. In real life drawing classes, a teacher would only comment on 3 to 4 drawings in a session. Here they spend about 2 minutes looking at all of them!