Schoolism Gesture drawing week 03

Alright I cheated a bit this week. The poses were supposed to be 1 minutes which I respected BUT I spent some additional time cleaning up the poses and fixing proportions. Without a very good understanding of anatomy and proportions, it is really really hard to draw a pose in less than a minute, especially when you have to turn the model around so the silhouette reads clearer. It must be possible with experience but I am not quite there yet. Give me few more weeks 😉

Related post:
Schoolism Gesture Drawing Week 02
Schoolism Gesture Drawing Week 01

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5 Responses

  1. Bhavin says:

    Hey Man there are some good gesture drawing you have done here, I really enjoying your Schoolism Gesture drawing week to week progression.. keep it up!!

  2. Jon says:

    What do you think of the gesture drawing class so far? I’ve been contemplating taking it (self taught) to improve my own skills which are severely lacking in this department.

    • hey Jon, I love it so far, but I am not sure Self taught would be that useful…. it is pretty awesome to have a top artist look at your work and comment on all your drawings. In real life drawing classes, a teacher would only comment on 3 to 4 drawings in a session. Here they spend about 2 minutes looking at all of them!

  1. April 16, 2012

    […] Related posts: Tablet PC Schoolism gesture drawing week 03 […]

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