Schoolism Gesture drawing week 01

Sorry for those waiting to hear from “Pick my Brain” but I am pretty busy with other things at the moment.

One of those is the fact that I enrolled to the Alex Woo and Louis Gonzales Schoolism Gesture drawing class.

It is only the first week so I am not too sure how the class works yet or even who my classsmates are (except my buddy Maciek)

Our first week we were asked to focus on the line of action,. For the sketches I couldn’t find a spot with people showing interesting line of action so I did some regular sketches instead. Here are my assignments:

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8 Responses

  1. Martin says:

    Would be great to see some tips from the Schoolims. I look forward to it.
    btw. Sketching people is always hard. Remember when I was trying to draw people in the city, the moment they realized I am looking on them with pencil in my hand, they vanished in seconds 😀

    • Yes Martin, this is what I usually wear dark glasses but it is winter time in France and people would freak out if I sat in a café wearing sunglasses 😉 Commuting in summer in L.A. was the best, that’s where I got my most interesting sketches

  2. Robbie says:

    Hey Olive!

    I am happy to hear you joined Schoolism, and also that our old buddy Maciek is in your class! 🙂 We should do a virtual AM class reunion!!
    Looking at your sketches (the ones where you only drew the line of action) the only comment I have is that the line of action should be more fluid I think (less linear and more curvy), otherwise it kinda breaks the energy.

    So will they give you live feedback on your assignments?

    I am looking forward to seeing more stuff from the course, keep us posted.


    • hey Robbie. The crits are recorded like AM. I went though some of them already and what you are mentionning is exactly what Alex Woo is saying. He wants to see more curvy lines with force rather than breaks and sharp angles. I haven’t received my crit yet but I guess Louis will be saying the same thing. What is cool is that we have access to EVERY SINGLE ecrits since the very beginning of the class!!! Crazy stuff. Funny, I recognised several names like Justin Weg, Lluis LLobera…

      I never fully understood what gesture drawing was so being able to watch all the ecrits will certainly help me to gain that knowledge and strengthen my drawing skills.

  3. Luis says:

    Hi Olivier.
    I’m taking the same course in order to improve my gesture drawings. Very nice work you’ve done and very informative blog!

  4. thanks Luis, I hope you are having a fun time.

  1. March 6, 2012

    […] Related post: Schoolism Gesture Drawing Week 01 […]

  2. March 24, 2012

    […] Related post: Schoolism Gesture Drawing Week 02 Schoolism Gesture Drawing Week 01 […]

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