Pick my brain…with a Moustache

Pick my brain with a Moustache

Pick my brain with a Moustache

Ever wanted to participate to a one hour one-to-one Q&A with an expert in a field related to animation?

There will be a free beta test for the first 5 people who sign up next week after the official announcement.

And if You are an expert in Character design, Modeling, Rigging, Animation… make yourself known! olivier.ladeuix@gmail.com. Use “I am an expert” in the subject line and provide me with a link to your showreel video or portolio

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2 Responses

  1. Jigar Jani says:

    Cool idea…

  1. February 24, 2012

    […] posts: Pick my brain … with a moustache Bobby Chiu new free painting […]

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