Premiere CS 5.5 uncompressed output … not … [fixed]

[update] the problem is fixed! It is due to the misleading Adobe’s Microsoft AVI format which overrides anything you do and makes your video blurry.

When creating your project, use “I-frame only MPEG” for example, instead of that weired Adobe Microsoft AVI format.

[Original post]

I have been using Adobe Premiere since version 4.2 and as I bought a new fancy 64 bits laptop, I decided to upgrade from Premiere CS2 to CS 5.5 but it is driving me crazy.

As you can see above (click on the picture to see it full screen), Premiere 5.5 doesn’t seem to be willing to export a video to an .avi file with no compression to it. I have tried every possible option, did a fair amount of research on Google and Youtube but I can’t find any help on why Premiere is making my footage blurry when I am asking for a straight uncompressed video file as seen on the timeline.

Has anyone gone through the same thing? If I have to spend one more day on this I will have to revert to Premiere Pro CS2. Ah and the Uncompressed AVI option they have now is just a disaster waiting to happen, what were they thinking? How many people got fooled into thinking it was actually an …. uncompressed AVI option! 😉 I wonder if software makers ever have users test their softwares nowadays or is it the result of the current recession?

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8 Responses

  1. tynaud says:

    I have never used Premiere, but you should try to see if there is any filtering enabled (left tab on your screenshot) or try to select a codec like mjpeg for example, with a high quality setup.

    • the only filter I have on the left tab is Gaussian Blur but it is ticked off. I don’t want any encoding as I will have to reuse that footage in a different comp later on.

      Eventually I reverted to Premiere CS 2 and it worked as expected. I hate that new Adobe Encoder thingy, they made things even more complex for no reason

  2. brewery says:

    I’m sorry I cannot help but I completely agree and sympathise with your plight as I have had to use the newer versions of Premiere and this very problem has driven me mad on countless occasions too!

    The encoder thing is awful, why can’t it have a ‘normal’ export option like before?! :s

  3. Tim says:

    I have been experiencing the exact same thing, I hate it! Keep us posted if you figure it out!

  4. Peter says:

    Have you checked your rendering preferences? Im coming from CS4 and this is what I would try first:

    1. Go to Edit->Preferences and select “General” in the Preferences dialog box.
    2. In the drop-down menu next to “Optimize Rendering For”, select Performance
    3. Click OK, close Premiere Pro, and reopen the project for the new preference to take effect.

    Not sure if youve tried this, but if the above does not work (or does not exist in CS5), try selecting “Match Sequence Settings” in the Export Settings dialog box. Hope that helps 🙂

  5. Right I finally found out what the problem was. Funny enough I asked on the CreativeCow website and none of the so-called … Experts … were able to help out 😉

    The problem comes from that stupidly misleading and wrongly named Microsoft AVI format.

    I already explained that you should avoid it when doing your rendering but ALSO, make sure you disable it for …. Video Previews! This is the panel at the very begining, where you set your project preferences. I will add a screenshot in the original post.

    Thanks but no thanks Adobe for making it so confusing to use your latest software….

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