Josh Carey, VES rigging submission

Check this out! ReelFX rigging supervisor Josh Carey (nothing to do with my buddy Dan Carey except that they probably share the same good look) just posted his VES submission showcasing his AWESOME work on the Looney Tunes shortfilms.

I haven’t worked with the rigs so I don’t know how slow they are but they sure give the animators a lot control to achieve that crazy Warner Brother look.

It is finally possible to emulate the 2d cartoony look in CG and this will certainly push the medium to a new level leaving motion capture way behind or at least separating the two in a very dramatic manner.

Josh Carey is also the co-founder of rigging educational forum Rigging Dojo and seeing the tools he provided the animators with I immediately subscribed to their newsletter.

Rigging Dojo

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7 Responses

  1. josh says:

    thanks for the plug! just to note, those rigs had varying levels of controls and visibility options, so animators could speed up the rig based on how detailed deformations they wanted to see.

    the faces by far had the most amount of slow down in the rigs, but again – giving them control to turn things off in order to work fast was key.

    also, keep in mind that this was a collection of work by multiple people in the rigging dept here – we all kicked ass in our own special way 🙂

    i encourage everyone to frame by frame through the shorts to see what kind of craziness the animators did with these rigs… literally matching the smears and multiples from the old shorts.

    • thanks for the infos Josh and good thing you are also crediting the rest of the team as we tend to forget that production is often a team effort, with everyone contributing to the final result in varying degrees. Yep those multiples are pretty crazy, I hope you soon explain how this was done.

  2. Darren Iddon says:

    Thanks for posting that Olivier, awesome stuff! I’m actually in love with the level of control in that rig. Really does usher in a new era in rigging…

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