Jeff Gabor webcast recording is online
Jeff Gabor’s AnimSchool webcast recording is finally online and it is great. It is nice to finally hear him talk about his workflow and explain why his video progression reels regularly get pulled down. Check it out it is really funny and sometimes a bit politically incorrect so that’s very refreshing.
I want to highlight some of the gems he shares with us but make sure you quickly watch the video before AnimSchool removes it from public’s viewing.
Jeff obviously discusses the shot he animated for AnimSchool and goes frame by frame through it explaining his workflow.
He talks about acting in modern feature animation compared to traditional 2d one, the use of video reference versus thumbnailing for subtle acting, overanimation…
Interestingly enough, Jeff is one of those guys who animates exclusively in IK, I wonder if he uses Body Spaces or just regular unparented world IK….
TweenMachine! Yay I agree with version 1 being the simplest and the best, just like Facebook 🙂
Someone asked about Tradigitools… the answer is funny. Come on, Tween Machine, Michael Comet’s AutoTangent, that’s all you need in Maya really, and they are both free.
Here is the link to the AnimSchool blog post, you will need to register to get the link to the actual recording.
While you are on the the AnimSchool blog, make sure you also check Garrett Shikuma’s interview. It is pretty long and very interesting.
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Jeff Gabor
too bad I missed the end of the webcast !
Did he finaly talked about he did his smear effects ? Did he achieve that only with his AnimSchool rig controls ? if so… I can’t wait to get a maya version of that rig !
ooops dam it is offline… I was hoping to watch it again today 🙁 Yes the smear effects were done in the Maya viewport using the rigs controls. Haven’t you tried the XSI rig they released yet? I thought you were also an XSI user.
Check out the post with the Looney Tunes rigs I just wrote