AnimSchool, free Malcolm rig!
That’s it! Hurry up, Animschool’s Malcolm character is finally available freely for XSI. A Maya version will be following shortly. I can’t wait to test the speed and facial flexibility of that rig!
Now who is going to teach me how to use XSI? 😉
Related post:
AnimSchool updates
Don’t sweat it, Olivier !
You’ll find Interaction Model under File – choose “Maya” and you’re all set. You won’t be an expert user in one hour, but you’ll animate just fine.
hey just thought I’d plug this in, since it’s related to AnimSchool.
I just did an interview with Garrett Shikuma animator at bluesky on the topic of cartoony animation. Hope your members can check it out!
thanks a lot Alex and Andrew
malcolm rig is really awesome. i saw so many animated clip of this character and i really interested to animated this rig. hope after making a nice funny animation to making u laugh i ll upload and share my video. thank u