CTN Animator tools of the trade
Still don’t know what CTN is? Check out the CTN Vimeo channel.
and here are several talks I really liked. I haven’t watched them all yet but the line up is pretty amazing. I just came back from Annecy where we were really spoilt but this is seriously impressive. A discussion between Victor Navone, Michal Makarewicz, Carlos Baena, Aaron Hartline, and a candid Andreas Deja, Peter de Séve, Sergio Pablos, Don Bluth…
I couldn’t make it last year, this year might be my first.
Andreas Deja just started a blog by the way and he is posting some never seen artwork from Disney legends. Deja View. The Ward Kimball sketches he posted are really sweet, too bad the final Three Caballeros shortfilm looked a bit different.
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Harald Siepermann interview
I recommend going to the CTN expo. I decided to go last November and had a great time. My friend and I visited Dreamworks and NIckelodeon studios and even had a private screening of Tangled at Disney. I’m definitely going again this year.
I was supposed to go last year but landed a gig just before… let’s see if I can make it this time!